Shundrallah Focus is and always has been on MORALITY
Equality, Truth & FREEDOM for all
From all Oppression, Coercion, Manipulation, Stand-Over Authority Force of any Immoral kind
Reporting only Verified, Factual Evidence
with Links to Original Source "Documentation, Photo, Video, MP3"
If you would like to Advertise on this Site
Contact Email : Shundrallah@yahoo.com.au
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Everyone is welcome to Contact Shundrallah...
Or Comment Zero Censorship...
Media Requests : contact us to request an interview, or more information
Contribute : Writers, Authors, Journalists, looking to contribute to Articles, Send in your Portfolio, Previous Experience, Along with the Area you want to focus on, especially if that is different to your area of expertise...
Contribute : Art, Music, Community Involvement, Events, Distributor of Information, looking to get involved, send in your focus idea-area, and previous works, and or activities
Refer an Article : Seen an Article Shundrallah Readers would want to know about?
Advertising : Do you have a Product you think Shundrallah Readers will benefit from?
Sponsors : If your looking to become a Sponsor of Shundrallah, or the New Site, send in your submission with references to your business and activities
Sponsor Links , On the Main Page, On a Different Page "Gallery Pages, News Pages, Encyclopedia Pages, Forum Page or other Pages Optional.
Sponsor Link, On Articles, Videos, Image's
Reviews : To Submit for a Review Please contact for Initial Submission, Please Provide all links and information available Digitally online.
If your Product fits in to our Reader's Market, We will provide Details on how to continue the Review Process and where to Send Physical Data or Samples
Syndication : If you would like to Syndicate Shundrallah please contact, provide information for your existing site or publication... If you would like to Syndicate the New Site please contact.
Syndication : If you would like to be Syndicated by the new Site, "Some of the Best Independent Sites will get picked up in our new Syndicated Section, where your RSS feed will replicate your articles for everyone to see, and share our readers with your writing and information!"
Want to Republish Shundrallah Articles? Contact us for permission.
Partners : are individually asked to work in specific projects in collaboration.. "Like a Music Track, or Video, a News Article, or an Event..." Some people who ask to become a Sponsor, or be Reviewed, may also be asked to be a partner in a project, all contributors, Affiliates and Syndicates will be asked at times to partner in projects also... "Right now many projects are in the works stay tuned for Teasers and Sneak peaks before Official Project Releases!"
Affiliates are those recognized as Mutually Openly Supporting each other, at a level of integrity and honor, i will only have people in my affiliate section that i support 100% and that i no support me 100% "To ones Integrity" while both parties are expected to disagree on individual issues, the moral issue is what unites and allows one to become an Affiliate "As a Sign of Respect" Also note no payment is ever made between Affiliates.... this is purely based on the respect towards Moral Integrity!, Affiliates will get a lot of Free Links and Plugs because its the RIGHT MORAL thing to share good people who are also trying to help share good information and help everyone!
Events : So many events we need a page just to list them all... All Events are focused around the TRUTH! and revealing it to people, Some events will be planned Yearly, while others will pop up from the community and be supported and added if we plan to go or review the event "especially if we have affiliates or partners going to get the inside scoop"
From Nimbin Mardigrass to Best Truth Music Track, to Best Video, To Best Broadcast, to best Artwork, to the Best News Article, to the Best Information Dug up, to Best Truth Spreader, to best Action Taken, to Best Helper, to best Lead, Best Breaking news, Best Community Quote, Best Community speech, Best New Journalist, Best Awakener "who can wake the most people up"
With so many different Topics to focus on ALL over the WORLD... and an active "PG" area for Education and Art to Involve Children, the Elderly, and Hardcore Brainwashed Sheople to be introduced to the information from a more acceptable manner to expose the truth, not just to learn the truth but to enjoy the growth of being introduced to the truth...
Calender : On the New Site there will be a Calender for everyone to see Event Days, Locations, Live Seminar-Shows, Upcoming event Launches, Other Events that Represented Journalists, Musicians, or Artists Attend etc
Copyright : All my Articles "jnm©", Music, Videos, and Art is protected under "jnm©" Copyright Australia for my Life + 70 Years.
If you want to use any Copyrighted Material "Of which all is" for commercial use, you must contact the Copyright Owner for an arrangement in writing...
Following Australian Copyright Law and Moral Standing,
All Associated Artists Must Provide PROOF of WORK OWNERSHIP, if you do not have a Web-Site your Well known by, you will be required to provide a CoA, Certificate of Authenticity
If you have not provided your Art Online, you must provide a Copy along with a written agreement to use without profit... "your images will never be sold, if you have a link to sell we will be happy to link that for you"
Note : If your Work is Online it may be used by my self or associated people and involved in an article, NEWS NOT FOR PROFIT, to inform people, and under Australian Fair Use Those Articles are allowed to be used, in any case an attempt should be made by the person using the image to acquire permission and links to associate with the article if possible, and edits to such effect if an artists presents us such proof will always be given full credit and if a mistake was made it will be corrected , We do not Endorse anyone Fraudulently using other peoples works and any attempt will be exposed, First and Foremost the Integrity of the Creator will be protected and honored...
in the New Year an Honor List will go up of the people who were
Associated before the Launch of the new site in February 2013...
Thankyou to everyone who has been Supporting the Growth, and Sharing of Information
The Shundrallah Community is now over 90,000 Readers,
the Feedback and support is growing faster all the time
the Feedback and support is growing faster all the time
100,000 Reader Celebrations Coming Soon...
100,000 Reader Celebrations Coming Soon...
Do You remember 1381 where your RIGHTS came from?
Stop Zionism Agency Terrorism!

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