Thousands all around the World have Been Independently Analyzing the Facts about the BOSTON BOMBING, You can find a Full Breakdown of the Boston Bombing Here
Agents Identified Running BOMB Drill
Agent Seen with Pack on at First Blast and Running from Second Blast with NO PACK!
Lieutenant Colonel Lisa Meriwether, commander of the 22 member Rhode
Island National Guard 13th CST stated that the 1st CST did a sweep
earlier in the day.
“We did have members up there. Two members at first, and two
additional members after the fact to provide communications … The 1st
CST did a sweep earlier. My two personnel plus members of the 1st CST
tried to move toward the scene but were turned away by law enforcement.”Meriwether’s unit, which she says wears a uniform consisting of navy blue shirts, black vests and khaki pants, were not at the crowded finish line throughout the race because “our role is not to be on the ground, but to respond … CST is not trained to detect explosives, that’s not our role.”
But moments after two explosions rocked Boylston Street, her unit tried to move in to detect any possible chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive (CBRNE) incident by identifying CBRNE agents/substances like those used in dirty bombs. Those two personnel, along with similarly trained experts from the Massachusetts Army National Guard CST, were denied access to the scene by “law enforcement,” according to Meriwether.
Yet the Bomb Drills were Viral on Social Media
Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) April 15, 2013
BREAKING NEWS: Police will have controlled explosion on 600 block on Boylston Street
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) April 15, 2013
Note this is the LOCATION of the Bomb "600 block on Boylston Street"
Patsy Suspect Brothers Packs Do Not Match the BOMB BAGS
This is the 19yr Old Patsy Suspect that was Shot in the Head after Leaving the Boat Unarmed Surrendering to Police, Notice His Pack dose not Match! its GREY & BLACK
This is the Photo the Mainstream is "claiming is the Evidence Linking" the 19yr old Pasty Suspect, yes the Black Pack is not the Pack he is seen Carrying!
This back is Black, not Grey, it is not the Patsies Bag...
Here the 19yr old Leaves with his bag still holding his jacket down
Here the "Patsy" Suspect Leaves the Boat Surrendering to Police without a Gun, is then Handcuffed and SHOT IN THE HEAD so he cant talk
The First Patsy suspect Was MURDERED IN POLICE CUSTODY" not run over by his Brother as the Conspiratorial media is Brainwashing the people with...
From being handcuffed in Police custody how did he End up like this? BASHED TORTURED BRUISED AND BEATEN!
Many "Real Truth Seekers" have Revealed and Shared this information, yet the majority of Mainstream is Ignorantly Complicit "and not Fact Checking doing the Job they are ment to" or they are KNOWINGLY PART OF THE CONSPIRACY AND COVERUP
Here are the Top Media and Alternate Media Who have Released this information
- Gerald Celente Reporting on "First Western City wide lock down since WW2, the Psychological conditioning for whats next"
- Corbet Report & Judge Napolitano "Explaining the Facts About US Government Sponsored Terrorism, Setting up Patsies"
- Glen Beck "State Departments Knowledge and Coverup of the first Suspect Proclaimed captured in the Boston Courthouse"
Since the Time the Patsy was Shot in the Head the Police and American Government Via the Media have been making statements that are replayed parrots of unfact checked soundbytes...
"They have Video of the Patsy leaving his pack"
"the patsies had more guns and bombs"
"The Patsy is talking and admits it was because of the wars"
Yet No Evidence or footage of these CLAIMS is being released...
The Media is not Fact checking what they are Sponging up and Regurgitating on to you, they may as well vomit or shit on you like parrots, only some are doing it out of job compliance and ignorance,, there are others doing it KNOWINGLY & IMMORALLY AS PART OF THE COVERUP AND CONSPIRACY TO ENFORCE CONDITIONING ON TO YOU TO ACCEPT LOCK DOWN
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