George Carlin told you how this works and why....
So much Prick Waving in the Mainstream to "Set the Stage" for the Mindless Sheople...
Its Slow in the News right now...
the only Pressing Global Issue is the Korea US Prick Waving...
Yet 99% of what both countries are doing is focused on their OWN POPULATIONS
this is a propaganda war and its allready started...
When you!... the people who are reading alternate News are outnumbered seficiently by brainwashed mainstream... then the government will have the support to act...
those actions result in Innocent people "Children of your Nations" being sent to OCCUPY and ANNEX by Proxy, using the so called lines on maps drawn by elite's generations ago to seperate, Divide and take down the immoral elites opposition one by one like domino's...
On the other hand, If enough people are informed, Especially in the Government, Millitary and Police, Law and Education "Oath Keepers, Constitutionalists" In every Nation and Culture who know the MORAL-NATURAL LAW, or the MAN WRITTEN FOUNDING LAWS THAT PROTECT EVERYONE FROM IMMORAL GOVERNMENTS or IMMORAL PEOPLE WHO GET IN CONTROL OF INSTITUTIONS, GOVERNMENTS & CORPORATIONS ORIGINALLY SETUP AND BUILT BY THE PEOPLE, TO BE USED AGAINST THE PEOPLE THEY WERE MADE TO SERVE!
"Global 1381 Revolt" will happen eventually... All the Treasonous Immoral people serving a hidden Self Positioned Elite & their Minions will pay the price... "Not just in this life, but they will fade away in to Oblivion..."Past the Abyss-Absu their Founder Enki Created "The Reeds of Enki aka the Apsu aka the Abyss or Heaven as some tricked call it as there fooled in to serving and effectively saving the immoral" from the Final "Naturally Moral End" Oblivion... "Never to Emanate again" as the attachments that save the Immoral Elite are detached, the Brainwashed Ignorant Sheople no longer serve them "In this life or the next" when Awakened, and the Truth will awaken all soon....
The Immortal Nectar "Amrita" is the only reward, your free to share immortality with anyone who wants it... its an easy task to accomplish for each and every individual... just remain moral and continue fighting in the 5500 year old war... until it finally ends... If your Focused and Grow you will learn to wield the Lightning-Bolt "Kama" and share True Love, with all, Equality Knowledge Wisdom and Truth so all will grow to Know the Moral & Immortal Way and Fight to Defend the Moral and Innocent... The Path to Immortality Amrita...
is just a Choice... Put your Head in the Sand... or analyze the Facts, and learn to Know your True Enemy before they Sneak up on you... and learn how to Wield the Lighting Bolt "Kama" True Love... to Protect, Nurture & Grow the innocent you care about...
Stop Zionism!
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