Stop using the MASKS "Different Names Deeds and titles" the Elite use to confuse the issue and look at the associations deeds and factual history, when looking your trying to find the Method's being used and applied, are they manipulative, controlling, deceitful, corrupting, are they an abomination? and who are they supporting? what is the agenda!!!
This is why i do not Dislike or Disrespect anyone of any class or group because there only names used as authority by the ones running the show, most of the people under them are good people... most... most good people are consciously secure enough to be aware of new perspectives, information, and potentialy corruption inside the ranks of ones own orginization while still knowing they stand for the good equility values most of humanity is based on... So if your a Jehova Witness then let me make it clear i have nothign against you, nor your friends family and pastors, however there are clear facts about the methords originations, deceptiveness used under that name and its fair to say so... reguardless of what name class group i use its to reference the background links so people themselves can follow the dots and join the links to see the bigger picture themselves, its nothing personal unless your knowingly following the Enki-Abys-Ea-Anunnaki-Patriarchial-Overman way then your entire aim is to destroy everyone elces way of life to enforce submission in which case reguardless of what name you use by your own loyalties deeds and decliration i will defend humanity by revealing you...
Once you Begin Identifying Methods, Rather than the Masks, the Masks are obvious facades to cover the corrupt abominations in an attempt to deceive the people in to following the same illusion under a new manager
Patriarchal systems are enforced with a system of Hierarchical Authority forcing the lower hierarchy to accept submission and do that which the higher hierarchy orders

Regardless of the Faces used to deceive the method of Banking to artificially enforce submission to the wealthy, Media submission by being lazy to do ones own research by accepting that which the elites present to you, political submission by not ever asking your different representatives questions to find out where they stand on a range of issues before voting for them, nor holding them to their proclamations, the method of organized religion is targeted at controlling the way ones own consciousness reacts to oppression by reinforcing submission pays off in the end, even tho no one ever gets to the end... because the very top ranks of all the "New world order" organizations are closed to the public... Obfuscated to even the underlings... everyone claims to understand why a nations intelligence agency may work in such ways however dismisses the idea that religion's or the media or politics, Banking, the Military Industrial Complex, The Pharmaceutical Industry, would involve such deceitful abominable loyalties,Notice to that the ones pushing for today's NEW WORLD ORDER, use the same methods causing the same harm, and having the same disregard for human life as the Anunnaki, the Abrahamic - Patriarchal, Western way of life that has flooded other cultures with this madness for thousands of years, this is the same strategy the same deciet, the same manipulation, working in the same groups who started the same hierarchical-obfuscated style

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