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The Hidden Agenda for World Government
The Fabian Society is a British intellectual socialist movement, whose purpose is to advance the principles of social democracy via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary means. It is best known for its initial ground-breaking work beginning late in the 19th century and continuing up to World War I. The society laid many of the foundations of the Labour Party and subsequently affected the policies of states emerging from the decolonisation of the British Empire, especially India. Today, the society is a vanguard "think tank" of the New Labour movement. It is one of 15 socialist societies affiliated to the Labour Party. Similar societies exist in Australia (the Australian Fabian Society), Canada (the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation and in past the League for Social Reconstruction) and New Zealand.
The group, which favoured gradual incremental change rather than revolutionary change, was named – at the suggestion of Frank Podmore – in honour of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus (nicknamed "Cunctator", meaning "the Delayer"). His Fabian strategy advocated tactics of harassment and attrition rather than head-on battles against the Carthaginian army under the renowned general Hannibal Barca.
The society was founded on 4 January 1884 in London as an offshoot of a society founded in 1883 called The Fellowship of the New Life.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Bernard_Shaw
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was an Irish playwright. Although his first profitable writing was music and literary criticism, in which capacity he wrote many highly articulate pieces of journalism, his main talent was for drama, and he wrote more than 60 plays. Nearly all his writings deal sternly with prevailing social problems, but have a vein of comedy to make their stark themes more palatable. Shaw examined education, marriage, religion, government, health care and class privilege, and found them all defective.
He was most angered by the exploitation of the working class, and most of his writings censure that abuse. An ardent socialist, Shaw wrote many brochures and speeches for the Fabian Society. He became an accomplished orator in the furtherance of its causes, which included gaining equal political rights for men and women, alleviating abuses of the working class, rescinding private ownership of productive land, and promoting healthy lifestyles.
Socialism and political beliefs
Shaw asserted that each social class strove to serve its own ends, and that the upper and middle classes won in the struggle while the working class lost. He condemned the democratic system of his time, saying that workers, ruthlessly exploited by greedy employers, lived in abject poverty and were too ignorant and apathetic to vote intelligently.[53] He believed this deficiency would ultimately be corrected by the emergence of long-lived supermen with experience and intelligence enough to govern properly. He called the developmental process elective breeding but it is sometimes referred to as shavian eugenics, largely because he thought it was driven by a "Life Force" that led women—subconsciously—to select the mates most likely to give them superior children.[54] The outcome Shaw envisioned is dramatised in Back to Methuselah, a monumental play depicting human development from its beginning in the Garden of Eden until the distant future.[55]
In 1882, influenced by Henry George's views on land nationalization, Shaw concluded that private ownership of land and its exploitation for personal profit was a form of theft, and advocated equitable distribution of land and natural resources and their control by governments intent on promoting the commonwealth. Shaw believed that income for individuals should come solely from the sale of their own labour and that poverty could be eliminated by giving equal pay to everyone. These concepts led Shaw to apply for membership of the Social Democratic Federation (SDF), led by H. M. Hyndman who introduced him to the works of Karl Marx. Shaw never joined the SDF, which favoured forcible reforms. Instead, in 1884, he joined the newly formed Fabian Society, which accorded with his belief that reform should be gradual and induced by peaceful means rather than by outright revolution.[56] Shaw was an active Fabian. He wrote many of their pamphlets,[44] lectured tirelessly on behalf of their causes and provided money to set up the The New Age, an independent socialist journal. As a Fabian, he participated in the formation of the Labour Party. The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism[45] provides a clear statement of his socialistic views. As evinced in plays like Major Barbara and Pygmalion, class struggle is a motif in much of Shaw's writing.
The New Age was a British literary magazine, noted for its wide influence under the editorship of A. R. Orage from 1907 to 1922. It began life in 1894 as a publication of the Christian Socialist movement, but in 1907 Alfred Orage and Holbrook Jackson, who had been running the Leeds Arts Club, bought the journal with financial help from George Bernard Shaw. Jackson acted as co-editor only for the first year, after which Orage edited it alone until he sold it in 1922.[1][2] By that time his interests had moved towards mysticism, and the quality and circulation of the journal had declined. According to Brown University, "The New Age helped to shape modernism in literature and the arts from 1907 to 1922". [3]
The magazine was founded as a Journal of Christian liberalism and Socialism, published as early as 1894. [4] Orage and Jackson re-oriented it to promote the ideas of Nietzsche, Fabian socialism and later a form of Guild socialism. Opposing viewpoints and arguments were put forward in The New Age, even on issues upon which Orage had strong opinions. Topics covered in detail were the role of private property in a debate between H. G. Wells and G. B. Shaw against G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, the need for a socialist party (distinct from the newly-formed Labour Party) and women's suffrage. On this last point, the editorial line moved from initial support to bitter opposition by 1912. As The New Age moved away from Fabian politics, the leaders of the Fabian Society, Beatrice and Sydney Webb founded the journal The New Statesman to counter its effect in 1913, and this combined with the growing distance between Orage and the mainstream left reduced its influence. By then, the editorial line supported Guild socialism, expounded in articles by G. D. H. Cole and S. G. Hobson among others. After the First World War Orage began to support the Social Credit theory of C. H. Douglas.
The journal appeared weekly, and featured a wide cross-section of writers with an interest in literature and the arts, but also politics, spiritualism and economics. The journal was also one of the first places in England in which Sigmund Freud's ideas were discussed before the First World War, in particular by Maurice Eder, an early British psychoanalyst.
"The New Age" was also highly preoccupied with the definition and development of Modernism in the visual arts, literature and music, and consistently observed, reviewed and contributed to the activities of the movement.
With its woodprint illustrations reminiscent of artwork by the German Expressionists, its mixture of culture, politics, Nietzschean philosophy and spiritualism, and its non-standard appearance, The New Age has been cited as the English equivalent of the German Expressionist periodical Der Sturm, a journal to which it bore a striking resemblance.
So when one begins to look in to Fabianism, one soon finds its woven in to the same minds that constructed the club of Rome, the same people who arranged ww1 ww2, its just there infiltration Political wing, in fact the only thing that makes them different from Jesuits is their not bound by Religious Mythology, instead bound by Sociology-Psychiatry-Psychology Sciences... It would seem tho that not only the New age Religion, The Socialists, the Globalists, The Bankers, the Media, the Education System, is behind this Fabian wing, it seems their Efforts are aimed at containing and farming the Inventors The Brilliant minds who bring new technologies and understandings in to the world with the best of intentions, the Fabians would seem to be taking the Job of not only Infuriating, but their doing what the CIA calls Placed Assets, placing someone to be Friends Neighbors, Work mates , doctors, even the repair man, in to position to gather intelligence, most of those placements are not doing anything apart from collecting info and passing it up the chain of command to the "Think Tanks" This is no different to the so called Psychic informants who are payed by the intelligence agencies to gather information on "Free thinkers, or people with different ideas outside of the box" everyone understands how the intelligence agencies or police-millitary use placement of people to gather intelligence, but then go on to deny the fact that the same is done in politics... if people really cared about freedom, about the future generations, then they would at a minimum check that no placement in politics is happening, unfortunately the more they research the more they find out almost the politicians in power agree and are working towards ONE Global Currency, ONE Global Authority, One Global Religion, One Global Military-Police-Intelligence Force, and One Enemy they call Terrorists "EVERYONE RESISTING THEM!" This is because the Origins of the Manipulations being used and embraces by these different sectors are the same... Some of these manipulations coming from Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (October 15, 1844 – August 25, 1900) in the form of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nietzsche
In Daybreak Nietzsche begins his "Campaign against Morality".[40] He calls himself an "immoralist" and harshly criticizes the prominent moral schemes of his day: Christianity, Kantianism, and utilitarianism. However, Nietzsche did not want to destroy morality, but rather to initiate a re-evaluation of the values of the Judeo-Christian world.[41] He indicates his desire to bring about a new, more naturalistic source of value in the vital impulses of life itself.[citation needed]
In both these works, Nietzsche's genealogical account of the development of master-slave morality occupies a central place. Nietzsche presents master-morality as the original system of morality — perhaps best associated with Homeric Greece. Here, value arises as a contrast between good and bad, or between 'life-affirming' and 'life-denying': wealth, strength, health, and power (the sort of traits found in a Homeric hero) count as good; while bad is associated with the poor, weak, sick, and pathetic (the sort of traits conventionally associated with slaves in ancient times).
Slave-morality, in contrast, comes about as a reaction to master-morality. Nietzsche associates slave-morality with the Jewish and Christian traditions. Here, value emerges from the contrast between good and evil: good being associated with charity, piety, restraint, meekness, and subservience; evil seen in the cruel, selfish, wealthy, indulgent, and aggressive. Nietzsche sees slave-morality as an ingenious ploy among the slaves and the weak (such as the Jews and Christians dominated by Rome) and to gain power for themselves: justifying their situation, and at the same time fixing the broader society into a slave-like life.
Nietzsche sees the slave-morality as a social illness that has overtaken Europe — a derivative and resentful value which can only work by condemning others as evil. In Nietzsche's eyes, Christianity exists in a hypocritical state wherein people preach love and kindness but find their joy in condemning and punishing others for pursuing those ends which the slave-morality does not allow them to act upon publicly. Nietzsche calls for the strong in the world to break their self-imposed chains and assert their own power, health, and vitality upon the world.[
AKA The Imposition of Power to Subdue the meeker to live in Utopia at the expense of the providers, This is a core Twisted Teaching of the Environmentally Sustainable Scam, as well as the Banking Scam and the Swine Flu Scam, its about being an "immoralist" to prevent the "overturn the values of their masters" who are "The Strong like the Gods of Homer containing wealth, strength, health, and power (the sort of traits found in a Homeric hero) count as good with the Power, Wealth, and Strength to Subdue the Meeker who should go back to giving up being free and seeing them selves as slaves to god, and purly accept that they are to be subdued by the strong and god is not going to save themThe death of God, nihilism, and perspectivism
The statement "God is dead," occurring in several of Nietzsche's works (notably in The Gay Science), has become one of his best-known remarks. On the basis of this remark, most commentators[43] regard Nietzsche as an atheist; others (such as Kaufmann) suggest that this statement reflects a more subtle understanding of divinity. In Nietzsche's view, recent developments in modern science and the increasing secularization of European society had effectively 'killed' the Christian God, who had served as the basis for meaning and value in the West for more than a thousand years.
Nietzsche claimed the 'death' of God would eventually lead to the loss of any universal perspective on things, and along with it any coherent sense of objective truth.[44] Instead we would retain only our own multiple, diverse, and fluid perspectives. This view has acquired the name "perspectivism".
Alternatively, the death of God may lead beyond bare perspectivism to outright nihilism, the belief that nothing has any importance and that life lacks purpose. As Heidegger put the problem, "If God as the suprasensory ground and goal of all reality is dead, if the suprasensory world of the Ideas has suffered the loss of its obligatory and above it its vitalizing and upbuilding power, then nothing more remains to which man can cling and by which he can orient himself."[45] Developing this idea, Nietzsche wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra, therein introducing the concept of a value-creating Übermensch. According to Lampert, "the death of God must be followed by a long twilight of piety and nihilism (II. 19; III. 8). […] Zarathustra's gift of the superman is given to a mankind not aware of the problem to which the superman is the solution."[46]
AKA Pushing the Idealogy of No GOD purly because the Cristian "Abrahamic" God was Crumbling as a Fraud of Patriarchial Domination, Creating the Perspectivism belief that nothing is TRUE to all its a matter of perspective theirfor the correct view is reached by CON-SENCE-US Conning our Sences, aka if 2+2=5 by con-sence-us and you disagree and say 2+2=4 then you will be classed as not only wrong but delusional, inferior, week. This Idealogy is so close minded it views the only concept of god being the Abrahamic Patriarchal God, when everyone knows that the Patriarchial Man's God has his own law that came AFTER Natural Rta Law of the Vedas, however this idealogy totally dismiss's Natural Law like 2+2=4 Universal Truth = Natural law and dose translate truthfull to ALL PERSPECTIVES Not only dose this Idealogy involve Nihilism its reveals the Core Psychopathy Utopia Delusion that created such Abominations, Over-Man! "The Elite who will rule OVER man like humanity rules over the Apes"The will to power (German: "der Wille zur Macht") is a prominent concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. The will to power describes what Nietzsche believed to be the main driving force in man; achievement, ambition, the striving to reach the highest possible position in life, these are all manifestations of the will to power.
AKA Simply the Will to Dominate and be the Top Dog with Brutal Force Sacrificing everything and all others to atain that power, this is the CORE of Psychopaths...
The death of God and the creation of new values
Zarathustra ties the Übermensch to the death of God. While this God was the ultimate expression of other-worldly values and the instincts that gave birth to those values, belief in that God nevertheless did give life meaning for a time. God is dead means that the idea of God can no longer provide values. With the sole source of values no longer capable of providing those values, there is a real danger of nihilism.
Zarathustra presents the Übermensch as the creator of new values. In this way, it appears as a solution to the problem of the death of God and nihilism. Because the Übermensch acts to create new values within the moral vacuum of nihilism, there is nothing that this creative act would not justify. Alternatively, in the absence of this creation, there are no grounds upon which to criticize or justify any action, including the particular values created and the means by which they are promulgated.
In order to avoid a relapse into Platonic Idealism or asceticism, the creation of these new values cannot be motivated by the same instincts that gave birth to those tables of values. Instead, they must be motivated by a love of this world and of life. Whereas Nietzsche diagnosed the Christian value system as a reaction against life and hence destructive in a sense, the new values which the Übermensch will be responsible for will be life-affirming and creative.
Übermensch as a goal
Zarathustra first announces the Übermensch as a goal humanity can set for itself. All human life would be given meaning by how it advanced a new generation of human beings. The aspiration of a woman would be to give birth to an Übermensch, for example; her relationships with men would be judged by this standard.[4]
Zarathustra contrasts the Übermensch with the last man of egalitarian modernity, an alternative goal which humanity might set for itself. The last man appears only in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and is presented as a condition that would render the creation of the Übermensch impossible.
Some commentators associate the Übermensch with a program of eugenics.[5] This is most pronounced when considered in the aspect of a goal that humanity sets for itself. The reduction of all psychology to physiology implies, to some, that human beings can be bred for cultural traits. This interpretation of Nietzsche's doctrine focuses more on the future of humanity than on a single cataclysmic individual. There is no consensus regarding how this aspect of the Übermensch relates to the creation of new values, and many would deny vehemently that Nietzsche would countenance a eugenics program at all.
AKA While we Destroy the GOD that is not physically here, we REPLACE GOD WITH ELITE HUMANITY TO RULE OVERHUMANITY!The Fabian Society logo of 2008

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