Language Warning "Pete Santilli Has an Abusive MIND" and writes filthy Emails...
He says Far worse on his Pre-After show... and Occasionally Slips up even on his Live Shows... Which seem to get posted on YouTube and Before its news with no Problems...
Pete Santilli has been making "DEATH THREATS" to Hatrick Penry and SherriaLea Laird after Pete Couldn't BUY THERE SILENCE! and kicked them from his show, Pete has had to Turn off ALL COMMENTS on YOUTUBE because the Videos being linked Exposing him as a MILITARY MARINE COUNTERINTELLIGENCE CARRYING OUT PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS!
SherriaLea also exposed Pete Santilli has A LOT OF WEBSITES, and thinks pete may own Before its News as well, i am currently syndicated on BIN , so if this article is deleted and my syndication stops we all know why...
Santilli Hosting his show to FLAME PEOPLE EXPOSING HIM "Childish Name Calling Acting Tough Behind the Mic"
Yet Pete Santilli has had to ban everyone and stop ALL comments because HE CANT TAKE ANY CRITICS, and his been exposed and totally LOST CONTROL "the people pulling his strings will concern pete more then we will concern him now his been exposed..., he knows to much and to many people on the wrong side in high places, now his exposed he will be worried about collateral cleanup so people dont track the trail back to who is pulling pete santillis strings...Hatrick Penrys allready Sniffing around and Digging Deep in to Santilli Excrement...
Internetually Factual! SherrieLea Laird Is Aileen Wuornos! |
Pete Santilli has been saying to his Listeners "Almost every episode" his not involved with BEFORE ITS NEWS, well here is an email from pete to me SAYING HE IS INVOLVED. "That is why his featured"
Also Please Note :
Pete Santilli Admits to being a marine
Serving from 1983-1988 "When REX84 was written THE GOVERNMENTS MILITARY CIVILIAN ROUNDUP PLAN"
Pete Also Admits to working at Marine Intelligence HQ Quantico to Train FBI how to Fingerprint
and now he lives and Broadcasts down the Road from Military-Marine Intelligence HQ Camp Pendleton
US MARINE COUNTER INTELLIGENCE HQ UNIT based at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. They provide the I Marine Expeditionary Force with intelligence products and analysis.
I Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) Headquarters Group (I MHG)
provides administrative, training, and logistical support while in CONUS
and forward deployed to the I MEF and I MEB Command Elements.
Additionally, function as Higher Headquarters for the four Major
Subordinate Elements in order to allow I MEF CE to execute warfighting
functions in support of service and COCOM initiatives as required.
Plan and direct, collect process, produce and disseminate intelligence, and provide, counterintelligence support to the MEF Command Element, MEF major subordinate commands, subordinate Marine Air Group Task Force(MAGTF), and other commands as directed
Plan and direct, collect process, produce and disseminate intelligence, and provide, counterintelligence support to the MEF Command Element, MEF major subordinate commands, subordinate Marine Air Group Task Force(MAGTF), and other commands as directed
Even tho many of Pete's own listeners pointed out his Ad-hominem attacks he continues to attack people personally rather then even look at the facts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem
I would also like to say Pete santilli has threatened to use his CHAT LOGS , in a way he thinks will be against me... i have understood EVERYTHING is tracked on the internet so i only ever type things i no will be tracked, not all his listeners expect this tho and will be shocked when they read petes emails and see how pete is trying to intimidate people using the chat logs he encourages people to use... Please Note : The only thing i never published on my blog and mentioned was about Susane Posel how her Website was created on the 7th Dec 2011 after the Satanists Co-Opted the Occupy Movement at Zucotti Park, It is Strange that her website http://occupycorporatism.com/ was created the Day Satanists were FILMED Co-Opting, Even Stranger when Jessy Ventura says the occupy movement needs to come back, and GET SHOT BY THE MARINES!, I am trying to give Susane Posel a chance to Explain before i make a Story and Video showing all the Evidence. however is pete santilli posts his chat logs now there is nothing hidden at all ... SO GO FOR IT PETE...
Hey Fucktard,
Dude....I caught a comment from someone
that your incoherent rambling included a comment threatening
You are the exact
psycho reason why I have to push people away....you have been give so
many chances; but Susannah convinced me you were becoming one of the
girls; were relatively harmless and should stick around.
reads your blog, and if they do read for the first time, they have to
take the same medication people have to take for Turrets syndrome due
tot the awkward twitchy cadence of your. I don't fear any retaliation
by you for 2 reasons: (1) nobody reads your blog, and (2) they think
you are a fucktard
I have zero sympathy for
you after banning you ---- it's now permanent, and I'm glad you were
able to show everyone in the CC'list above what I have to go through
with wing-nuts like yourself.
I always ask
people to continue listening, but I don't even want you listening to the
show ---- I want to thin the herd of idiots on the planet like
Please delete me from your memory and simply go back to you r lonely life of masterbating to kiddie porn
Semper Fi,
Pete Santilli
Host of The Pete Santilli Show
Broadcasts LIVE Mon-Fri at 11am PST / 1pm CST / 2pm EST
This is the most important book of our lifetime! "Where Did The Towers Go?"
Santilli & Associates, LLC
13312 Ranchero Road, Suite #18-134
Oak Hills, CA 92345
(828) 738-6588
(760) 513-9977
13312 Ranchero Road, Suite #18-134
Oak Hills, CA 92345


the Resistance! If you like the daily show, please subscribe to the
podcast, YouTube channel, "Like" my Facebook page, and share it with as
many people as possible. This is the best way to circumvent the
exclusive system which only allows multi-billionaires to reach the
masses. By "sharing" and subscribing, it's the best method of
propelling a revolutionary message with People Power --- People Power is
free, and when we share on social media, it connects us exponentially.
Please help me spread the message of personal liberty & the
importance of restoring our U.S. Constitution.
information transmitted in electronic mail and/or facsimile messages
sent from Santilli & Associates, LLC, The Pete Santilli Show or
referencing this disclaimer, and any documents attached:
1. is intended only for the person, persons, entity, or entities to which it is addressed.
2. does not necessarily represent the views of Santilli & Associates, LLC.
3. may contain confidential and/or privileged materials.
In the case of confidential and/or privileged materials, any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or taking of any action in reliance upon these materials, by persons or entities other than the intended recipient may be the subject of legal action.
If you receive an e-mail or facsimile in error from Santilli & Associates, LLC, please contact the sender and immediately delete the material from your computer.
1. is intended only for the person, persons, entity, or entities to which it is addressed.
2. does not necessarily represent the views of Santilli & Associates, LLC.
3. may contain confidential and/or privileged materials.
In the case of confidential and/or privileged materials, any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or taking of any action in reliance upon these materials, by persons or entities other than the intended recipient may be the subject of legal action.
If you receive an e-mail or facsimile in error from Santilli & Associates, LLC, please contact the sender and immediately delete the material from your computer.
On Dec 21, 2012, at 4:52 PM, John McAlpine wrote:
MY BIN QUOTE : http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2012/11/infowars-editor-in-chief-is-former-analyst-for-cia-front-stratfor-2502024.html
All i have to say to the trolls is in the above link, you will be delt with in time…http://shundrallah.blogspot.com.au/
I have a History of showing who is spreading Alien Annunaki disinfo, Fromm sitchen, D.Icke to Jabba-Jones, I would be the FIRST to expose Pete if he was Co-Intel… Psy-Ops etc…
And for the RecordI AM BACKING PETE 100%, His linked on my site, ive never gotten one cent, let alone anything from pete… I’m backing him because his message is a moral one…
Pete Santilli is more then a Radio Show, its a place EVERYONE can join in LIVE CHAT sharing ideas, links news etc… “Your all welcome” and that transparency is why i am backing him…I’m not saying pete is perfect, i’m against necromancy like i no everyone else is when they find out, and i am aware of word etymology, i am informing pete that the undead bodys with no heartbeats are the creation of the elites to suck energy, The Body of the church, Nations, corporations, have the Word put inside the Dead Body to give it life, incorporated, pete is slowly getting the idea, and while he is still promoting the Constitution, that constitutes the dead, i have cleared it up with him that it is the first 10 amendments the bill of rights hes is referring to , which i totally support! regardless of the terminology one uses…
People are waking up to the Necromancy thoConstituting the Undead…
Anyone can Troll, with no facts, and Dribble BS…
Not many can Dig up Facts, or has integrity and a historic track record to back up ones moral stance!I’ll stand up for everyone, i dont want to stand over anyone so i wont ask you to understand, just apprehend i want you all to stand up, but if you try and stand over others, i will warn you then i will expose you, and if forced i will not hesitate to eradicate immoral, elite or individuals if they cross the moral line… i stand for Equality, Transparency, and Truth, and i SHARE everything FREE, Brutally and Bluntly regardless of ones Dogmas or Stockholm, matrix programing, i track the truth back to the source, and i expose that which was hidden from you, “Good and Bad” People, Technology, and Information!”As of right now if anyone has facts on Pete I’m not hard to contact and i will expose them, if not your just making it obvious to everyone now you are full of the same stuff as Jabba… Dribble where Sheople may flatter you, i’ll only shatter you…
/alternative/2012/11/semper-fi-truth-always-faithful-always-loyal-attain-immortality-2495818.htmlSemper Fi !CLEARLY I SAID IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO CHANGE MY 100% BACKING OF PETE I SAID I WOULD UPDATE
My Readers, and my investor have questions "Questions pete refuses to answer correct or clarify"On BIN i said i back pete's integrity 100% & i will have to make a correction to that if pete insist's on not correcting pete's comments pete made, as i said i wouldIf your asking me to back pete 100% after this with no apology "for calling me a troll and disinformation openly on air" and Banning from the so-called transparent chat for ANSWERING THE QUESTION PETE ASKED ME", but insist on me making an apology because i even question your integrity pete and inform you, giving you time "A LOT MORE THEN YOU GAVE ALEX" to correct the error before i go public... then your in for a big shock... "Alex was reading my blog years before you pete even began looking at the truth "you were still training the FBI how to fingerprint people like hitler wanted and the NWO wants obviously you were asleep then or you were awake then FOR THE IMMORAL OTHER SIDE!", and i am sure alex and others will reference this in under a week "via comentary how someone who left GCN and RBN trying to expose alex was exposed themselves as doing everything you claim alex dose" when published to make sure everyone knows your exposed if you dont make this right you will be unable to dodge or hide" alex dosnt like to reference my work officially as i expose to much for him to send peopel to my site, but he uses its info over and over and i dont care if the truth destroys you pete, you shouldent have been immoral and deceiving people, then the truth would only help you like it dose me :) you still have a chance to make this right tho... totally your choice...YOU PETE said LIVE ON AIR "calling me a troll and dis-informing people"You Pete asked me a question and banned me for answering what you asked me...You Pete openly admit you DONT KNOW the Science, when i reference it you cant disprove or debunk me because YOU ADMIT YOU DONT KNOW, so you ban me? why because you didnt like what i said even tho its documented youve had a email copy for months... and Dave P, Susannah and Ash all now have had time to check it out :) yet while i am correct and you can only dig up prof i am right you wont admit it... instead you attack me again demanding an apology and that i support my BIN statement "that you have 100% integrity, and a transparent chat" even tho all this has happened, ive given you chance after chance, i even dropped it after susannah asked me to the first time when you called me a troll and disinfo the logs will show susannah said u were stressed and flipping out at everyone and didnt meant it, she said u wernt thinking straight and to give u a break because of the pressure u were under with all teh trolls, Logs will confirm this, but you went and did it again infront of my investor and other readers are asking questions... questions i am trying to answer for them... not for my self...My Investor Knows my Blog and New Site launching in 2 months is all to PROMOTE THE LAUNCH OF THE DEVICE BEING CREATED UNDER R&D CONTRACT : "TO MAKE FREE ENERGY AND WATER" FOR ALL OF HUMANITY, and will not RISK OUR INTEGRITY with associations that are not 100% Fair, and Transparent...Why do you think i have been joining all the Dots around this Tech "and its Sociological, Political, Technological, Cultural, Economic, and MORAL implications!" on my Blog for YEARS, Those years you spent supporting an IMMORAL system that you now CLAIM to fight, i spent all those years fighting all along...I WILL NOT VOUCH FOR SOMEONE WHO WILL NOT ADMIT THEIR MISTAKES! PERIOD "Especially ones made LIVE ON AIR"I HAVE BEEN ASKING YOU THE WHOLE TIME TO JUST MAKE AN APOLOGY OR I WILL POST THIS EMAIL IN FULL ON MY BLOG, I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE HERE PETE i dont feel threatened by revealing the truth, right now i do feel threatened i may be involved with IMMORAL people "who i may have misjudged" and i am trying to clarify this now...If you think this is 100% integrity and i should keep backing you on BIN like my comment said i would if you had 100% integrity when your clearly not acting with integrity in this email history... The Truth is all i said i would correct, and i am giving you a chance to correct this before i go public, THIS IS YOUR CHOICE PETE SANTILLIClearly you dont want to spend time to correct this, i will not be posting another mail, you have made it clear "White Eyes Trolls Admit they DONT KNOW AND ARE IGNORANT but attack persons rather then the facts" MAKE YOUR CHOICE AND SHOW THE WORLD YOUR TRUE FACE! i dont hide behind a mask... i say it like it is i never say one thing to my readers and a nother in private emails...
Petes Email 20th Nov
Thanks Shun,
Not sure if you know this, but I am very close to the principles at BIN... I am actually going to be getting their streaming radio station off the ground, and I am in almost daily contact with them. I don't publicize this because there is no need to. I am closely aligned with them because I immediately saw the potential of their site, and when I started interacting with them, I quickly realized they are a very high integrity organization who will crush the rankings in the next 12-18 months.Thanks for your concern though! Let me know how I can ever help you with anything...don't hesitate to call upon us, as I am taking note of your loyalty and dedication to the mission.******************
Petes Last Email Said
You will either apologize for threatening me with a wrongfully defamatory article, or you will not be allowed anywhere near my private chat room or website. I cannot afford to have you fabricating bogus information only for you to use in future "threats". you are banned from the chat room indefinitely until we can determine you have the public's best interest in mind. By the way, I reserve the right to use communication between in the public domain as evidence of your malicious intent, if necessary.
I would inform Pete that my initial correspondence was addressed to "Santilli and Associates", and i will report him for revealing information i clearly requested remain confidential due to contractual LAWFUL agreements "information only shared to seek legal representation"
Please feel free to post all public information "chat logs etc", however i only ever sent confidentiality information to Pete Santilli as a lawyer "It was Addressed RE PETE SANTILLI AND ASSOCIATES", and only ever referenced that to people who PETE openly admits WORK WITH Pete Officially with emails associated with his business's. "Susannah and Ash" This email is being forwarded to ALL official associates i have made contact with through pete's show this time, and the confidential parts are removed due to this mail going out to people outside of pete santilli's employment.
Pete's last email Quote" : "you decide to go on BIN and disparage me because I haven't given you enough attention, then I will spend 3 weeks (if I have to) laying out all of your chat comments, all for your emails, all of your incessant tirades about Dr. Judy Wood charging (non-profit) for her book, and let the public decide for themselves."
I am mentioning all the information i mentioned in chat nw, to give Susanne P Heads up, i have nothing to hide from teh chat logs, but clearly in chat i mentioned the following
As pete is saying his going to make all the chat logs public, i thought i should give people a heads up to what they will find :)
i do not want the information to catch people unaware...
I would advise you that in the chat logs it will show i had uncovered Susanne P's website was started on the 5th of Dec the same date the Satanists got the Occupy movement in Zucotti part to preform a Psy-op on everyone getting them to say "Its ok to have sex with animals" i made it clear i was not releasing this information as it would add fuel to the fire of trolls attacking susanne p , i looked in to all the troll comments and articles on everyone and i debunked all of their stuff apart from Susane P's Disney DOD article having no links
IVE SPENT THE LAST MONTH Writing an article and making a documentary to highlighting the FACTUAL LINKS between Disney DOD and Gates, you had a heads up days in advance the logs will show and u havent mentioned this to your listeners once... even tho MOST of your listeners have seen and commented about it "due to their own initiative"
The chat logs will also show that all the main original veterans of the chat community "those affiliated officially with the show" have had communication with me that is only positive "in and out of chat" and it will show that over 30 other people in chat have all only had good comments to make
The chat logs will also show over 15 members have questioned what Pete is doing and what links are associated with Susane P and the Occupy movement
I am putting this all in the mail now so EVERYONE KNOWS TRANSPARENTLY i wasnt attacking any of you, i had and still have facts shown in this email, and again when u make chat public the chat logs will verify all this, so everyone knows i was trying to help everyone, and not cause ANY trouble for the sake of it... "i never threatened to make anything public like pete threatens to use his chat logs, i was well aware people track data and dont put things in chat but guarinteed petes listeners will be SHOCKED AND HORRIFIED at how his using his SITE do to insactly what he claims alex dose...
and i only released this information to people to give everyone a heads up of the damage pete is threatening to cause everyone by revealing the logs, even tho no damage will come to me he will hurt many who he says he supports like Susane P-Occupy Corporatism etc "not to mention hurting him self when he sees MOST OF THE PEOIPLE IN CHAT SUPPORT ME AND QUESTION HIM ON THESE SAME ISSUES IN FACT EVERYTHING MENTIONED IN CHAT AND IN THIS EMAIL WAS RAISED BY A MEMBER OF HIS CHAT COMMUNITY BEFORE I WOULD TALK ABOUT IT! and the logs will only verify this :)
If your not going to correct your original defamation Pete "Calling me a troll and disinformation on air"i will not comment again unless you have more to add that needs to be clarified, i will give you until the new year to make a LIVE ON AIR CORRECTION "Send me the link as a reply to watch on utube", or this email will be posted on my blog and at BIN, and all my comments supporting you on BIN will be added a comment to update why i no longer can back you "with the statement i made concerning you having 100% integrity", as its clear your are not acting with 100% integrity "From this email alone"Thats all i will do if you dont make a live on air apology for calling me a troll and disinformation, if u want to make this bigger, thats your choice pete, if you want to be spitefull and hurt susanne P by revealing the logs spending as you claim "3 weeks revealing logs and exposing me" yet u cant spend 3 min saying sorry???
go for it the truth wont hurt me i dont make comments online period unless i EXPECT THE INFORMATION TO BE TRACKED AND USEDI would be happy if you posted the entire chat logs it will show how i never said i felt it was "hot" and only quoted what the people said as the clip i linked "MAIN highlight Quote"and how you used adhominem attacks on me "your own listeners pointed that out the next show technobrat called u up and told u what u did" and didnt even look at the FACTS or have one question about the facts, u just attacked me personally to try and discredit the facts... Just like NIST the way GOVERNMENT DISINFORMATION SPECIALISTS ARE TRAINED, but truthers see through the Bullshit... it dosnt work on those who KNOW WHAT TECHNIQUES YOU ARE USING!I will also have no problem making any apologies or retractions, and if you force me to post this, and only then make an apology to me, i will have no problem apologizing to you publicly if i am forced to post this, and clear up the questions publicly that readers are raising, i wont hesitate to also inform them you made things RIGHT "If you ever do"... and apologize for any harm that may come from me questioning your integrity, however i ow that TO MY READERS, to my INVESTOR, and to the GOAL OF GETTING FREE ENERGY & WATER to ALL OF HUMANITYAs of this moment its not right is it?This is your choice pete, the reason i am forwarding this to Ash and Susannah, Lynx, Susane P, Zelig, Ext, Psycho, and Lux is so everyone can see i was being transparent and open and getting this all on the record :) with all those who have their own sites and contact information to work with in the "Truth Movement" that i have encountered through the pete santilli showas you can see ive had problems with alex for over 9 years, and barly spend time revealing him... "less then 1 article a year on average"Personal involvement with him squashing the truth and then backing ecolo blue who is using powered AWG,s rather then FREE ENERGY ones...Yet the time i spend exposing alex is nothing in comparison, because i have much bigger issues to focus my time onAs such i wont rule out Exposing anyone who gets to the point my personal interaction and experience shows something not right or SUSPICIOUS... EVEN YOU PETE! i expect any real truther to expose anyone when they work out things are not adding up... especially when they have FACTS, Email correspondence and chat logs...READERS ARE NOW ASKING A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONPETE AND JUDY ADMIT THEY DONT KNOW HOW THIS TECH WORKS, IS THIS A GOVERNMENT PSY-OP TO PULL THE INFO OUT OF THE PEOPLE?John hutchison is one of a handful of people in the world who KNOW how this works and he WOULDENT TELL JUDY the Specific's "Even tho she continues to ask him"I specifically WILL NOT TALK about the specifics of weaponizable tech, either will everyone i talk to who really do KNOW this tech, like John Hutchison... we use metaphysical terminology so only moral people can keep up, Dave P will tell you the same thing if you dont talk in metaphysical terms you dont KNOW wtf your doing in this technological sphere...Its openly on the record the frequency to dustify "Cause an unfolding Vibration to destabilize the Atomic Field Bonds" of Concrete, Glass, but not Steel...not to a Nano Particle effect, yet the science and backyarders "thanks susannah for raising the Backyarder THERMATE" prove Chemical reactions result in the Nano Particles left in the Dust
Over 500 First Respondors, Firefighters, NYPD, Crime Scene Investigators, Foressic investigators, Statements along with First hand Video FOIA NIST releases SHOW UNDENIABLE THERMAL EFFECTS 3 MONTHS AFTER the towers came down, Pete calls all "The first responders, victims, emergency responders, firefighters, nypd, forensic investigators, Advris, Library of congress, and hundreds of eye witness and video evidence Facts" liers like Nist...
Its time pete stopped lying and covering up the truth on
and thermals of 911, the victims and family members deserve an apology from pete the second part of my doco will include petes statements of no THERMALS FULLY EXPOSING HIM to all the first respondents, emergency forensic, burn units, doctors etc that PROVE WITH OVER 500 INDEPENDENT VERIFIED SOURCES PETE SANTILLI IS LYING AND COVERING UP BURNS AND THERMALS ON 911
Pete Knows how a SHI attack is done from my Nibiru Article yet he is installing it with Judy "In an IDENTICLE FASSION TO NIST GOVERNMENT TRAINED PSYCHOLOGICAL OPPERATIVES WHO ARE THEIR TO DISINFORM! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtIok-VBqMU NO MORE WILLFULL IGNORANCE !
One last thing i would like to Clarify also
I stand up for Victims, "Those people Suffering at the hands of the Immoral" Those BURNT BY HEAT ON 911
You have said over and over there was no heat, spitting on those who were burnt and killed on 911, like their lives meant nothing...
STOP LYING TO YOUR LISTENERS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr8-Vr3dcwI
This is more important then you not apologizing to me and if i post this email on my blog, you PETE SANTILLI are dishonoring the dead by saying they did not die from heat... "when their bodys are BURNT beyond IDENTIFICATION! or the Firefighters Helmets Burnt into their Skulls not because of Jet Fuel Fires but because of the THERMALS and HEAT During and after the COLLAPSE! or dentals being required because the FLESH WAS TO BURNT FOR DNA TESTING!
The Second part of the Doco i am going "DISNEY DOD GATE" is focusing on Militainment DOD 911 Predictive programing and News involvement knowing buildings would fall well in advance multiple times, and changed footage that was aired live on replays...
along with concrete dustifying, chemical thermal reactions, and holographic plains only 10% of plane wreckage found less then 20% of the first plane none of the second plane was found", the tripple layered plan of 911 even the insurance payout for the wtc buildings said only 1 and only payed 2.2 bill rather then 3.55 EACH
Its up to you Pete if i add all the clips of you saying OVER AND OVER there was no HEAT
to expose your Lies and Deciet to the world, or you can make a correction and admit you have been deceiving people and tell everyone you have stopped avoiding and denying the thermal evidence, if you make an apology to the victims, first responders and family members before the new year i wont add your comments in EXPOSING your PSY-OP
You have until the new year for 2 Apologies now AND THE ONE TO 911 VICTUMS IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN MY APOLOGY!
YOU SELL TRUTH-ISM's and i will be doing a Video on that as well, again you have a chance to correct your statements, "or i will quote you over and over so their is no mistake to your intention and trickery on your listeners" Can people talk about 911 truth without you forcing Judys book on to them?? will you as a journalist REVEAL the information in the book that is not already available for people seeking the truth? or will you HELP THE IMMORAL PERPETUATE IGNORANCE BY RESTRICTING THE TRUTH FROM ALL WHO WILL NOT PAY YOU A COMMISSION FOR SELLING BOOKS?
What i am doing has nothing to do with me personally, only what the above evidence shows you have not been consistant nor fair nor truthfull
You have 10 days to make a correction, then i post this on my blog and expose you like i expose THE IMMORAL BLOODLINE Nist and Alex if you unfortunately dont correct your errors
Its your Choice now Pete
And everyone else i thought you should be informed Transparently, this is a hears up i did not want to supprise anyone, or cause problems for anyone, and if pete continues his actions i am going to be forced to expose this and petes own stated actions will only hurt people in chat and associates like susane P when the Chat logs all show and confirm this that PETE is trying to use as a threat to control and squash the truth... untimatly he will only harm those he claims to be helping and supporting... so i wanted you all to get a heads up...
I am not going to ask anyone for personal loyalty, only that you all take a look at the facts and decide your own stance on this without siding with a person just look at the facts and chose whats moral and right... and whats immoral and wrong... whats transparent and truth and whats covered up and lies?
please Note the moment i made the Blog post about trolls i made it clear
AND THEY PERPETUATE WHAT THEY NOW KNOW IS WRONG! "Continuously over and over you need to ask what is the hidden agenda?"
This is that Final Notification , and chance to make a correction :)
Just ask your self, ive seen this develop and unfold before it did, "i expected the worst from the beginning and gave people the respect as tho they were giving the best", I have given pete Chance after Chance, you have all seen my corrections on the Constitution and Undead, Shi, Nibiru, Shared with Pete...
yet pete continues to perpetuate those deceitful techniques after he knows its the bill of rights not the constitution of the dead, he ignores FACTS and goes back to pushing the lies about the constitution "To suck energy in to a Dead thing"...who is the "IGNORANT BLIND" White Eye?
From: "pete@thepetesantillishow.com" <pete@thepetesantillishow.com>
To: Susannah Cole <susannahecole@gmail.com>; John McAlpine <Shundrallah@yahoo.com.au>
Sent: Sunday, 16 December 2012 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: I Sent this to pete sunday 27th oct 2012, he knows my background
If, after we gave you the respect in the chat room as well as almost free reign to ask questions and have them answered, you decide to go on BIN and disparage me because I haven't given you enough attention, then I will spend 3 weeks (if I have to) laying out all of your chat comments, all for your emails, all of your incessant tirades about Dr. Judy Wood charging (non-profit) for her book, and let the public decide for themselves.I have asked you to STOP & fortunately I caught from Susannah that you are threatening to go on BIN.....not that I consider your threat harmful, because my actions in handling your situation is above and beyond what ANYONE would tolerate.You will either apologize for threatening me with a wrongfully defamatory article, or you will not be allowed anywhere near my private chat room or website. I cannot afford to have you fabricating bogus information only for you to use in future "threats". you are banned from the chat room indefinitely until we can determine you have the public's best interest in mind. By the way, I reserve the right to use communication between in the public domain as evidence of your malicious intent, if necessary.If you wish to be reinstated in our chat room, please submit your written request to us demonstrating this will never occur again. We'll review and carefully consider your request and get back to you if we decide in your favor. If you don't hear from us, please know that we have rejected your plea & still consider you to be a time-sucking adversary to our efforts in serving humanity.
Semper Fi,Pete Santilli
Host of The Pete Santilli ShowBroadcasts LIVE Mon-Fri at 11am PST / 1pm CST / 2pm ESTThis is the most important book of our lifetime! "Where Did The Towers Go?"Santilli & Associates, LLC
13312 Ranchero Road, Suite #18-134
Oak Hills, CA 92345
MAIN TELEPHONE:(828) 738-6588
eFax:(760) 513-9977
On Dec 15, 2012, at 10:39 PM, Susannah Cole wrote:
You are a guest in the chat-room, you do not get to dictate how it will run. As I stated in our last correspondence you were given more time than any other person out of all that tuned in to ask your questions and then have them answered. Dr. Wood answered your questions and then it became your agenda to argue the point. It was inappropriate and a bit unprofessional. Pete has given you respect and let you come into his chat-room and post what ever you like anytime you like. You should have shown a little respect and been satisfied with the info you had to write your own revue good bad or indifferent. You had enough information to write a decent report on Dr. Wood's seminar. I know you agree with much of what she had to say. Writing an article outlining what you agreed with and giving her answer to what you disagreed with and then giving your own opinion on your own website would have been what any good journalist would do and personally what I would expect from you. Not this.We spent a month on that show for EVERYONES benefit and gave you fair time to ask your questions and have them answered. It was a question answer session not a question answer argue session. It was not a public forum to debate the issue. The day before you became combative because you disagreed with her charging money for HER book. Accusing her of being a selfish disinfo secret keeper agent. Again inappropriate and insulting to say the least. Even when she openly explained why she had to charge for her book it was not good enough for you, you just kept coming at us. It is not your place to come into someone else's chat-room and insist that you be heard. This behavior is exactly why you were referred to as ACTING like a troll because that is what trolls do. During this time we were dealing with actual trolls too. The ones who wanted her to talk about the murder of one of her students ... I hope you and your friends had nothing to do with that.?This was not the Shundrallah Show. Our chat-room is not a forum for you to push your agenda. I would never come to your website and challenge you without expecting you to defend yourself. If you feel the need to go on BIN and out Pete for something you were plainly just a culpable in then so be it. But it will be done in bad form and get no respect from me. Having pissed off listeners troll our threads is nothing new to us Shun I will be very disappointed the day you join the ranks of those who are that petty and useless.Susannah
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 10:59 PM, pete@thepetesantillishow.com <pete@thepetesantillishow.com> wrote:
I don't have time to rummage through your emails. Please stop sending them until I at least set time aside in the next few days to read the first one.If you send me another, I will have to send you to the spam box permanently.Please respect the time I have to take to get my entire program back up and running after Youtube, Twitter and my website has been shutdown.Again, please STOP.I will try to read your first email in about a week.SO STOP
Semper Fi,Pete Santilli
Host of The Pete Santilli ShowBroadcasts LIVE Mon-Fri at 11am PST / 1pm CST / 2pm ESTThis is the most important book of our lifetime! "Where Did The Towers Go?"Santilli & Associates, LLC
13312 Ranchero Road, Suite #18-134
Oak Hills, CA 92345
MAIN TELEPHONE:(828) 738-6588
eFax:(760) 513-9977
On Dec 15, 2012, at 1:54 PM, John McAlpine wrote:
Let me make it clear and simpleI dont want anything, nor do i expect anything, nor am i asking for anything Personally, this is only in due resepct to questions i have been asked to clarify, so that is what i am trying to do...To give you an opportunity to explain, before i go and change my previous statements and am forced to write an correction article... as listeners and my investor are asking me to clarify my position, i first would like to know yours on the issues they are raising...I am just asking what my Readers and my Investor who was watching live when u booted me for ANSWERING YOUR QUESTION" the investor knows all about the tech and wanted to no why you would suppress the info when u asked for the answer?Readers are saying "YOU ALWAYS SAY PETE IF YOUR WRONG YOU WILL APOLOGIZE , YOU SAY EVEN TO ALEX"So readers, some people in your chat room are asking me, will you apologize for calling me a troll and disinformation? "you said that LIVE on the stream"you have the time to say it... live on air... but dont have 10 sec to make a correction? STOP AVOIDING a correction like you said you would even make for alexi dont care what you think about me pete, and i am sick of your AD HOMINEM ATTACKS ON ME PERSONALLY I AM TOTALLY IGNORING ANYTHING YOU DIRECT TO ME PERSONALLY AVOIDING THE FACTS "under your own chat room community listener advice from multiple people", and your listeners are even calling in telling you the next day what an AD HOMINEM ATTACK IS after u did it to me... live on air...Stop the personal attack and attack just one of my facts PLEASE SHOW ME ONE FACT TO SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENT or i am forced to correct to make a correction to my readers and investor and on BIN, where i said you have 100% integrity, handle this with 100% integrity or i am forced to make that correction, right now this is not 100% integrity is it?i only present what i have been asked to present, my readers, and investor, and some are in your chat are asking these questions...PERSONALLY i cant do anything until you answer, the more you avoid the answer "i'm either a troll and dis-informer because you present the facts to back up your statement, or you make a retraction and apology" then i can inform my investor and readers where you stand on the issues THEY ARE RAISING WITH ME
From: "pete@thepetesantillishow.com" <pete@thepetesantillishow.com>
To: John McAlpine <shundrallah@yahoo.com.au>
Cc: "susannah@thepetesantillishow.com" <Susannah@ThePeteSantilliShow.com>; ashley@thepetesantillishow.com
Sent: Sunday, 16 December 2012 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: I Sent this to pete sunday 27th oct 2012, he knows my background
Holey crap....unfortunately I cannot spend any more time with you than I have to this point, but when I opened this message; I literally receive hundreds daily; I glance at the following words buried in a 12,000 word dissertation: I AM NOT TRYING TO ARGUE
...then please don't.Shun. Please stop. Seriously. Get out and get some sunlight. Vitamin D should take the edge off
Semper Fi,Pete Santilli
Host of The Pete Santilli ShowBroadcasts LIVE Mon-Fri at 11am PST / 1pm CST / 2pm ESTThis is the most important book of our lifetime! "Where Did The Towers Go?"Santilli & Associates, LLC
13312 Ranchero Road, Suite #18-134
Oak Hills, CA 92345
MAIN TELEPHONE:(828) 738-6588
eFax:(760) 513-9977
On Dec 14, 2012, at 5:40 PM, John McAlpine wrote:
the only 2 things i said off topic were what Chas and you asked me to comment answer..., everything else was ontopic... and every other point i said was raised with judy and got good answers mostly apart from the thermodynamics question... "Thanks Susannah"i'm not trying to agrue, just clarifyYou have called me a Troll on airyou have called me disinformation on airand youve now banned me for answering the QUESTION YOU ASKED ME ? as it was the only thing i said was answering your question... "cant ask a question then ban if u dont like the answer" especially when u have had an email to verify the FACTS for almost 3 months...YOU ALWAYS SAY IF YOUR WRONG YOU WILL GIVE AN OFFICIAL APOLOGY,SO "
I AM ASKING youwhere is your facts calling me disinformation? link one of my articles and show the world i am disinformation or make a retraction "dosnt have to be live but if u wana do it by email i'll have to post it on my blog to show readers who ARE ASKING ABOUT THIS "Some being people in your chat community"Like i said over and over, you keep saying i am wrong and need CORRECTING, where is one link, fact or evidence? show me a fact or please make an official retraction like you said you would even do for alex... yet you wont for me? or just link me evidence of where i have perpetuated disinformation or trolled anyone?I dont expect you to read it now , thats why i am giving you till teh end of the year, i will still be listening and joining chat unless u totally ban me :)but if i miss the show you make an apoligy, please let me no to listen-watch :)I dont wana fight you pete, but i wont take crap from anyone, i was showing people your show live when u banned me for ANSWERING YOUR QUESTION, it didnt look good for everyone else's opinion of you... I AM TRYING TO DO THE RIGHT THING BY YOU PETE, telling people i dont think your like this or ment to squash the information...Yet they saw what you did... and its your choice to make it right or not...
From: "pete@thepetesantillishow.com" <pete@thepetesantillishow.com>
To: John McAlpine <shundrallah@yahoo.com.au>
Cc: "susannah@thepetesantillishow.com" <Susannah@ThePeteSantilliShow.com>; Ashley Jones <ashes4168@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, 15 December 2012 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: I Sent this to pete sunday 27th oct 2012, he knows my background
Too many people were complaining about your disruptive & almost manic behavior.
Although I am used getting use to you, I felt it was important to have you removed so that everyone else could learn from Dr. Judy.When you become my special guest, you can hi-jack the chat room. Until then, please consider yourself an invited guest who can be uninvited when you start becoming disruptive to everyone else.
Shun...I don't have a free moment to read your epic email, but I will later.You might wanna find a different place to argue, as it is becoming tiresome for everyone----I myself have virtually endless tolerance, but you are starting to wear on everyone around you ---but more importantly I think you might need to do a "self-check" & correction. We all have to do that every one in awhile.The next time I have to take time out to flag/modify/intercept/interject/write emails, etc to ask you to stop being so disruptive, I am going to have to ask you to leave ---- we have way too much work to be done.I know you have a lot to say, but when people start plugging their ears, that should be the #1 indication that you need to change your approach. You have a choice....
Semper Fi,Pete SantilliOn Dec 14, 2012, at 4:04 PM, John McAlpine wrote:Pete has called me a troll, Dis-informing people, and put words in my mouth, "Live streaming" i never said i felt heat or i feal its hot i only referenced the science and factsToday pete asked me what is my credentials, below is a copy of the email i sent him, when i answered in that chat i got bannedI AM NOT ASKING FOR AN OFFICIAL APOLOGY, or EXPLANATION, or i will be forced to remove my support, as pete deliberately bans me when i mention free energy and the R&D contract proving my expertise in thermodynamics and super-fluid, squashing my information once or twice i could overlook, this is the third time, other guests in chat are commenting and i dont want this to be a fight, so i am asking officially let me no where you all stand, i want this transparent but i will not hesitate to expose anyone who knows facts when they go out of their way to suppress them... this isnt integrity or truth if its only one sided...Ive always said FIND ME ONE OF MY ARTICLES AND POINT OUT ONE WRONG FACT AND I WILL LOOK IN TO IT< CALLING ME A TROLL AND DIS-INFORMER WITH NO FACTS IS REVEALING SOMETHING ABOUT YOU! "Especially live streaming"I will not post an article yet, i was still waiting for susannahs guest list to write the full review of the show, guests, and others associated, i would still like to clear this up and write a good article but i want this on the record, you can all check my background and decide will you continue to supress and call me a troll and disinfo? without one fact? when i have given you facts...Please be fair and even in your thinking... and let me no, i will not rush this, or rush you only giving you one day to reply... i will enstead give you untill the new year to look in to this and decide, no rush, plenty of time for you all to look in to this... and make your own opinionPlease check with Dave P also, ive had some talks to him about possibly investigating the company for me, he has their info and may have done some checking allready :)
I then referenced an Older Email i asked "Pete Santilli and Associates" for Representation on the WATER FROM AIR & FREE ENERGY project , That email is confidential "The only thing i dont have fully transparent on my blog is this AWG-FREE ENERGY PROJECT due to the agreement i am under to have the product sample made, i am forced by law"
Obviously i will not hire pete santilli under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, nor do i want anything to do with him, i will continue to expose him until he apologizes and changes his ways STOPS THE COUNTER INTELLIGENCE PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS DISINFORMATION "and exposes those currently pulling his strings in Marine Intelligence" its past the apology now... like i said originally none of this was about me, it was ALWAYS about YOU the READERS
Stop Zionism!
Dear lord, if you are as intelligent as you think you are then you would certainly know how to spell and punctuate
ReplyDeleteWow! Your blog is very interesting. I think it's interesting how when I was chatting with someone I would get muted or blocked just chatting with them. Like, the other person would chat something really stupid and then I would get muted for it too because I was chatting in the room.