Recently a reader asked about "Clean Energy, Akasha, Aether" The Focus was on Electricity production for human use... "I said this is a big question too big for twitter so I would write this article when i returned from my last trip... so here it is :
"Kama, True Pure Love, Akashic Aether, Clean Electricity" Zero Pollution, Infinite, Truly sustainable choices to "GENERATE CLEAN INFINITELY FREE ENERGY"
I would like to Clarify first what Energy is, then I will get into the the Options.
Fields are made from Energy, and energy is made from fields,
the passing back and forth of this energy is seen in different specialized spheres
Akashic Fields "Surfing the Infinity of Indras Net the True Infinite Web of Indra Consciousness Awareness, Intention & Clarity" Akasha (or Akash, Ākāśa, आकाश) is the Sanskrit word meaning "aether" in both its elemental and metaphysical senses.
Morphogenic Fields "DNA and other molecules like DMT even organs like the heart field & Pineal Gland receive awareness "data, knowledge, information, perception" from their sensitivity to Field Harmonics", identical twins knowing when the other even on the other side of the globe is in a different state especially Panic-fear or death, dogs know when their carer is returning home, dolphins know inherently when someone is sick or injured, or pregnant... if one is usually aware of a field and it changes one is also aware of a change or the field ceasing to exist, just as the fields stack to make elements, the elements stack to make biological fields, which stack to make biological organ fields like the eye and heart, which stack to make the body species field... "Which stack to make the human consciousness field able to perceive the akasha, which stack to make the infinite consciousness field infinitely able to perceive all consciousness in the akasha, which stack to make the infinite perception field able to perceive everything in the akasha Omni-awareness, these last fields are known as the Siddhi's , Jhanas "Psychic Consciousness Dimensional Realms, Infinite Space awareness of akasha, Infinite consciousness, No-thingness, Neither Perception nor non perception"
Magnetic Fields mathematical description of the magnetic influence of electric currents and magnetic materials.
Electric Fields surround electrically charged particles and time-varying magnetic fields.
Electromagnetic Fields (also EMF or EM field) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behaviour of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. "The Human Heart Field noticeably effects electronic devices up to 50 meters away, and can be recorded with SQUID's (superconducting quantum interference device), the Heart Field extends far longer however technology has a long way to progress in sensitivity focus and translation of these subtle energy distinctions, the noise on TV screens is actually electromagnetic energy that is not translated accurately in to the picture and sound, other information, background noise distorts the sensitivity which science has not been able to focus technology at longer ranges free from distortion, like a microscope or telescope, camera lens the focus must be able to cut out the noise, something technology lacks where human consciousness excels at perceptional awareness Convergence & Divergence"
Fields have a Frequency and a Polarity Electric, Moral Polarity or Polarity Biological, along with a Electric Charge, Electric Current, Resonance even the rare occurrence of Agni-projected energy signalling stacking unfoldment "Holosound".
If in Tune-sync with the Polarity they will Release Pressure, or if Oppositely In Tune-sync with the polarity they will Increase the Pressure and Corresponding Charge "like magnets coming together or pushing apart, or the sun effecting weather patterns, causing lightning discharges" or in the case of heat outside of super-fluidity's second sound ability to retain 100% of heat like silver wire conducts retains 100% of the electrical charge, Thermodynamics is the exchange of heat to the point of least resistance.
Varuna water flowing down a hill, from so called gravity "when it is the density and harmonic of the field's interaction that causes water to seek a low point and the hydrogen and oxygen gases that make up water only changed in temperature and a voltage induced field bond, In gas form hydrogen and oxygen float above being a less dense water H2O field or the two gases separated unbound join as one bonded water, Heat will disperse as will all energies to the point of least resistance seeking the 100% retention from anything in the correct harmonic resonance "even to the point the excess energy will fuse hydrogen and oxygen making water high up in the sky, aka making it rain. If the best retention dispersal of energy is to cause a bonding of the fields or a splitting of the fields, The field's energy flow is the Agni Ripples, Akashic Emanations, While the foundation for the fields themselves is Rta the Unfoldment flow is determined by the akashic celestial body Varuna's law of water, being the "Moral point of least resistance".
Stacking Constructive V's Cancelling Destructive
Note : the Cancellation, Destructive is just adding the opposite,
resulting in total cancellation, Inverted Phase Anti-Phase
If the Polarity is Angular and in Tune it will cause a Harmonic Resonance "Like violin strings or sound breaking glass "Building up the peaks to convert the excess energy from the peaks highs to be converted into a field resonance effect "Unfolding a secondary trigger, like glass breaking or rain, dew, condensation forming", or the magnetic Ramp effect of perpetual magnetic motion", If the Angular Polarity is a Sine wave (Inverted Phase Anti-Phase)"The Opposite of the Wave-Field being effected" it can totally Cancel the Effect like opposite 'figure eights' in sound overlaps "as some things are transparent for light, others for sound having no interference to the corresponding signal" others are found to naturally cancel fields or block them like diamagnetics blocking magnetic fields, or walls blocking sound and light while allowing other frequency in to access your WiFi, mobile phone or radio through the walls, while everything has been found to attain the cancellation of separated field state's when cooled with super-fluids, second-sound joins all individuals into one field harmonic, Indra's Net, Akasha, Singularity, Zero Point, holographic reality, "This is how consciousness is able to combine and stack thought into the depth of multiple individual unique aspects interacting together as one essence of function", this last field stacking holographic modulation part of the superfluity equation is the key to unlocking Indra's Net, when reversing the equation one soon realizes super-fluids combined with accurate field modulation in second sound manifested through accurate conversion of energy to Agni-Effect Akashic Fire Ripples in Harmonic Resonance Awareness. To Interact Physically can do remarkable things, super-fluid computing "Quantum Computers", super-fluidity healing in medicine "Technological transfer assisted intention based healing of mind, body and spirit", Super-fluid energy generation, free clean infinitely sustainable, superfluity second sound is the single biggest technological development in human history... "eventually mastery of the unfolding resonances, from a super-fluid stacked state will be the way physical, so called matter, spontaneously forms in front of your eyes, like teleportation or replicators, the way energy and fields themselves can modulate and unfold them selves is how everything formed in the first place, This is the key to the so called theory of everything, yet dogmatic scientists can't see past their flat world education to see what the ancient people were saying from the beginning of philosophy...
Super-fluidity allows the breaking of the mundane laws of physics like thermodynamics, entropy, even the maximum amount of energy in a finite area of physical space as the super-fluid component can contain unlimited stacking in the second sound field, and super-fluids can even slow down light to the point it stops to continuously store more and more light, or even reverse light so it slows down then goes backwards or in a loop... and will generate electricity continuously if a piezoelectric converter is used to change the second sound field holographic Waves back to energy modulated for use as required, The super-fluids ability to be a 100% converter like this means it will always harness the so called lost entropy energy, so even when fully depleted in one moment, it will continue to generate energy the next moment... when consciousness is used with electrical devices in this manner we can store and receive data, from memories to experiences, knowledge of fact and formula to the wisdom to morally apply action correctly, The concept of generating thought, and combining designed complex intention with technology to assist in the modulation of physical reality to assist in the physical manifested application of the thought's pure intention will revolutionize the human species into a fully aware consciousness, linked at a profound level, Few will even clarify the depth of change and moral growth interconnected tranquility on the horizon, developing at a remarkable pace, sharing at incredible depth and speed... however the concept of backing up a person digitally is limited by physical inability of consciousness, as consciousness is not from an organ or physical part in your body it cannot be transferred to a digital device, only the tools of consciousness can be digitized, not your infinite spark of consciousness itself, Amrita that is immortal and beyond technological or digital confinement, Even dogmatic Maya is no match for the growth of consciousness, and the akasha has and always will store everything, including anything technology can or could record or store, because of this limitation it will never be possible to make someone immortal through a technology download... one could download every part of one's self to share with others so they knew what you did, even how you worked out everything, but your consciousness would not be there to work out anything else... the depth of thought itself would be far too much for any technological algorithm to do anything more than sort, it could never work out new unknowns from integration of different thought aspects, this may seem like a limitation... when one realizes this is because your consciousness is the same if you look at someone else's life or information, even if fully transferred correctly... your consciousness is unique to you, the consciousness field is not a physical field it is a non physical akashic field that has awareness linked to your body via a specific non-physical akashic harmonic unique to you... no technological or physical electric devices can tune into the akashic harmonic, it is based on the zero-point, as all technology effectively stops at this part of the electromagnetic spectrum, the inverse akashic spectrum is not accessible by electric technology.
That being said, biological technology can be tuned into the akashic due to their multi-pole sensitivity and the future of technological development for the next generation's era of greatness will be in the biological technologies, creating living technology that can access the akashic for both a power source and for awareness... communication... growth... Integration of all forms of communication with all species, to consciously share and respect each other's lives as conscious communicating individuals... "The shattering of Ignorance, Dogma, Religions, Sects, Species Group Divisions will be fast and obvious. When you can accurately communicate and feel empathy for a conscious entity, regardless of what species it is, a dog, bird, dolphin etc" then if communication is friendly and moral, why would anyone then do something to hurt that which is consciously able to say "PLEASE STOP THAT HURTS, FEEL MY PAIN!" and actually share the pain it feels with you... Humans will learn a remarkable gift from this super-fluid technology awakening, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED AS ONE.
Divisions are only there because a small number of psychopaths have manipulated others to implement a planned psychopathic Zagmuk Hierarchical Masked control system, to accomplish a far more sinister aim... those same small number of psychopaths are aware of this technology and want to use it to make themselves all powerful and you a mind controlled slave with the inability to ever rebel from the psychopathic system that is being rolled out today globally by many ignorant people working for a hidden agenda... yet many more people are awake to the truth and know what's happening today than ever before. Leaders and high ranking military and police are aware of the manipulation and infiltration, there are many good people waiting to act when the time is right.
First the people need to be aware of what is really going on, without feeling guilty or threatened, almost everyone that is working for the psychopaths is doing so unknowingly... a few sociopaths know who they are following and what they are doing, most are just ignorant good people. Information is the key to giving support to the good people in power to weed out the psychopaths and shut down the immoral plans and agendas... the developments to free everyone will never be allowed to be rolled out to the mass population and general public until the people rise up and end the obfuscated iconoclasm of truth and fact. Stop following disinformation media outlets, seek independent truth and share the facts you find from your own research... When the truth breaks through to the mass population, the general public will demand the changes, the changes will mean a boom in work, from the development in the transition of upgrading global technological standards, to cleaning up the pollution... The ripple effects combined with free energy will mean a boom in all other areas from food to travel. The erosion of the small group of power hungry psychopaths will mean a much better standard of life and health for most people on the globe who become free from oppression of enforced slavery, the lines on maps drawn by schemers in history will slowly disappear, yet the transparency emerging will never again allow any single or group of individuals to ever try and rule over others again period... Its just a choice of "Finding out to Grow to Know then Share the Truth with Facts" or chose to wait "not quite so ignorant" about some of the RFID mind-body manipulation that is happening now or being worked on to deploy to have a small group of individuals control the many through technology"
"Downloading a thought, feeling, vision, sound, etc from your central nervous system to a digital format on a computer that can then be digitally recorded or resent to someone else to feel and know that information, just like the matrix... This Downloading and Uploading can be used to literally change someone's DNA, repairing illness, Teaching Knowledge. Just think about a global standard where every 15 year old has the database of world knowledge in their heads and perfect physical health for life from that stage, "Any Field can be Recorded and Transmitted, from your heart to your brain to your central nervous system, to your DNA, to the signals that make you get up, walk onto the bus and sit quietly. "Hitler would have loved this technology and we must be vigilant of it falling into the wrong hands",
This technology brings together the mind body and spirit in unparalleled ways, Humanity will remember this era for developing one important sphere of knowledge, super-fluids... "The last revolutionary sphere to enter humanity was the internet or more precisely integrating human biological entities via electronics with unlimited data load communication, the only constraint is time".
Now it's time to be aware of the natural foundation of the Rta, akasha and Indra consciousness awareness of the subtle signalling of Indra's Net on a GLOBAL scale... Yet it was the Ancient Vedic People who discovered this 8000+ years ago. They were the first to develop writing, Sanskrit, Vedic astronomy terminology is accurate for microbiology. Every term and technology discussed in this article was written 6000+ Years ago in the form of metaphysical essence which the physical representation is a mere aspect "just given new modern terminology to be precise in technological application, where the Vedas are Metaphysical and timeless essences applying to all specific aspects"... It is remarkable that only in this era, this generation of living beings we find technology has finally caught up to the True Knowledge Apprehended by the Archaic Ancients using so called primitive methods. Yet today still the most sensitive tool you have is, YOUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS! Learn to be aware and activate your meditative sensitivity to these subtle energies, increase your knowledge with growth in this new emerging sphere of human development to interact accordingly...
Sound along with all electromagnetic Fields emanating cause matter to organize, if in the correct harmonic resonance... This construction of form is how DNA is replicated and built, even how DNA is changed modulated even into another species, "Frog Salamander DNA Phantom Effect", how microbiology works, how the stars form... It is how consciousness brings energy from the Akasha into the physical manifestation, how thoughts make free energy manifest, it is how the Super-fluids in the original super state of entirely super-fluidic second sound "Oneness Pure Holographic Energy" unfolding using its own growing perceptional awareness, to navigate from consciousness awareness the expression of interaction to create the universe and ultimately the multidimensional reality you exist in. The Rta foundation itself is not consciousness, it is the birther of consciousness, much like the female body is not the child it is the birther of the child. The separation of consciousness to the foundation that gave that consciousness its own distinction is unique in the unfoldment, in that it requires consciousness in the act of creating the birth, in that sense, the female body and consciousness cannot immaculately conceive, they require a male consciousness and body. In the metaphysics of this foundation the original Union between the two entities is like two rain drops joining as one ocean. Consciousness aligns with the purity of the foundation Rta Infinite Consciousness Indra.
In humans the physical representation is the act of conception, where two beings come together like water, to create the Zygote, "first stage in the embryo". This union is created by egg and sperm "the only two biological cells compatible in inseparable union". On a metaphysical sense the foundation of Rta is made up of aspects unfolding to recognize themselves as mere aspects of one entity, to become responsible in their aspect, the essence of Rta unfolds as a foundation of infinities that one was not aware of.... As these aspects are infinite they are always there. Only those who grow to know of the "Infinite Deva's & Devi's" existence to interact efficiently can attain mastery of alignment, Unlike Consciousness that awakens to become a Deva or Devi Incarnate, the original Deva's & Devi's are unable to chose or change... they are like 2+2=4 and will infinitely forever be just that as a place holder foundation of reality, as one of the primary Deva's & Devi's is Morality "Never CHOOSE to force your will onto others, always defend and provide a foundation of eternal sanctuary for the good and innocent to grow to know". Only those morally aligned can really attain the full power of the Rta... hence only good people can reach the complete state of awareness, Indra consciousness... and only those of good intent, purity of heart are saved from final-death-oblivion... as the foundation of reality, and the energy that sustains your existence is not forced to keep you consciously alive & aware forever, if you CHOOSE to Immorally turn your back on the Moral infinities, Rta will oblige you and let you go to your final endless slumber "Final true death". Yet if there is any spark of goodness you will be given another chance... as the Rta never will force its will on to anyone, it is one's own choice to respect the Energy that sustains everyone's existence or if one chooses to abominate and manipulate those Infinitely sustaining energies you effectively chose to turn your back on your own free energy in the act of coveting that which others have, which in reality you already have attained yourself, the act of seeking to take that infinite generating energy power from others means you lose it yourself, immoral beings "Evil Psychopaths" unfold into oblivion as logic unfolds 2+2=4, or (1 Infinity -1 Infinity = Zero Infinity aka Finite with an END)". Few ever make that mistake, most people are ignorantly bound to samsara, yet some of these immoral psychopaths exist today, deceiving the masses, sucking the infinite energy, and restricting the truth that would set everyone truly free to bloom as few can even comprehend is within humanities grasp right now..., Being in Tune with the Unfoldment will have the Intended effect, as you can see, sound creates form with harmonic resonance, form is a manifestation of energy and fields, the edge of the field that you feel as physical is not physical it is empty space with the harmonic resonance that contains the pressure differences, and will allow specific frequencies in or out, even repelling or absorbing charge.
The inter-relationship between Agni "The Akashic, Fire, Sound, Light, electromagnetic and akashic spectrum's, is today's screen and internet in a physical technological form replicating the third eyes pineal gland DMT consciousness link to the akashic. Most people have no idea the internet was made because bad immoral psychopaths have conditioned most people through different methods, Religious, sociological, cultural, media, political, educational, even more advanced methods like electronic warfare, biological warfare have been deployed to stop you from accessing the innate natural gift you all have... "CONSCIOUSNESS AWARENESS, CRITICAL THINKING, META-PHYSICAL, NON PHYSICAL, AKASHIC NAVIGATION, to harness the awareness of subtle energies and the activation of the implementation to broadcast these subtle energies to interact with GENERATING ENERGY from ones INTENTION applied correctly with Logic, Knowledge, Formula, Wisdom in Action"
From religion using the "word" to control people with necromancy, to computers recording and transmitting any thought or feeling you have, to DNA modification virus's and Chemical Receptor Inhibitor-Blockers... there is a war being Raged, and it has always been for your SOUL. Some evil immoral individuals do in fact want to suck your infinite energy like a battery for their own psychopathic endeavours, the battlefields of Body, and Mind, are fronts for the true prize "Your Infinity..." The Awakening Awareness and Accomplishment of the Real Meaning of Life... To Grow to Know the Truth of the Infinite Energy Potential of everyone, to apply that energy to Help Others so all can Grow to Know the Truth to be truly free in all aspects of ones essence, a fountain of infinite energy generation
The Electromagnetic Spectrum is one Small Scale used by Biological and Technological Electrical Devices that replicate Physical Nature, Meditation and developments in scientific consciousness research have shown the evidence of meditative techniques to take the physical body and mind to a Zero point, where thought awareness and consciousness are still functioning and yet not registering as originating from the physical neurological brain body... this remarkable Research was the first to show Lowering one's Frequency to Zero, Activates Remarkable abilities "siddi Psychic powers" that function on a non-physical plane of meta-physical existence, free from the constraints of this physical world and power. Energy can be harnessed from this other metaphysical place to then be turned into or used as physical electromagnetic signalling, causing action, that results in interaction. The way the Body develops new thought is based on first acquiring the Knowledge, then when successfully applied the body BUILDS THE NEURON to store the data for memory use to free up other functions, having a built in autopilot is there to assist your time management, so you can be most efficient in sharing your energy...
The Akashic Spectrum is Beyond Electrical Devices it is Based on Superfluid Zero Point where the Frequency is 0 Effectively becoming a massive antenna "Static Noise to Electrical Devices" Due to the Missing Dynamics of Rta, is the Conscious Observing Awareness "Electrical Devices have no consciousness aka no morality or moral choice, they are a tool!" An electronic Device will never Dream only Calculate the Variables its coding will allow... Unlike DMT and DNA where Variables are not encoded, no Code Exists to Categorically Determine Choice of "Ways to create evaluation on the fly that will integrate with one's lineal awareness, if one tries to insert "Random" code in to a computers 3D virtual matrix you CRASH the system! In Biological Awareness you trigger "Unknown functionality that will partially replicate other combinations re-engineered on the fly to accommodate for the moment..." what is totally remarkable is that these DNA sequences can be there and not be activated, or not be there and be activated growing from an encounter "Growth or infection". Even the process of meditation, thinking, insight, changes ones frequency... when one wants to strive to give and help others, defend the week and innocent from the immoral psychopaths... when one teaches others to become more efficient to bloom like a flower... when one heals others to take away harm, injury or pain... these are all aspects of morality, compassion, empathy that show the individual committed to the moral action and those observing the good one is consciously aware of as a possibility... expanding this growth is a priceless gift...
Many people compliment me on my knowledge, I always reply, "I've spent a large portion of my life researching and analysing myself and the world in all aspects, I feel if there is something I work out is an unknown to me, I must learn at least how it functions to be accurate in the assessment. My research and analysis is partially based on the Akashic however I never talk about akashic information until I track down the information in the public arena, i have a rule when being public, Only publish, or talk about what one can REFERENCE as EXISTING FACTS and those facts are based on the WORK OF OTHERS, so "I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants...". Thank those in our past who have documented and made public the facts to verify the information akashic awareness presents, I am nothing special, Anyone and everyone can do everything I do and so much more. Meditate then track down the information, research the facts...." Some aspects of my life I've known for a long time were not spheres of mastery, my assessment of those energies are lacking the clarity and perfection I have attained in other spheres...
Recently my brother spoke to me about his happy family life, asking me to try and be active in finding the right one to settle down with, somehow that conversation turned in to me agreeing to try and be active in meeting new people. The change in my choice, and more importantly action resulted in me beginning a journey on a path i have not previously walked. Ive met some great new people, and made some new friends, and with Meditation I started Noticing Differences in my Perceived Emotions and Feelings. While it is quiet an emotional ride, I am mindful enough to notice some intricate dynamics. When interacting with others, even in thought, one is triggering neurological and chemical releases, signal responses, Dopamine, adrenalin, endorphins, hormones etc, these are triggered from a state of consciousness, signals in your own field of awareness that change the dynamic output. I suspect there will be a point in the neurological and biological signalling that would reach the infinite status of the zero point... If this ends up being the case, anyone reaching the point of knowing pure love and having that pure love reciprocated would find themselves in an awakened dream like state of pure bliss, joy, happiness, tranquility and real peace.. "It's no wonder everyone is trying to find Love and Knowledge of how to share this Priceless gift".
Reading of this energy transfer in the Veda's & the Mahabharata, experimenting and developing consciousness to master aspects of Kama "True Pure Love" is different in its action based upon one's interaction with externals, one another or the foundation of ultimate reality... This would mean when one interacts with Rta in it's Pure Aligned State to Reach Immortality, to Give one's self to another in the same way as one gives one's self to Rta through Morality, and to have the other become one with you giving themselves to you in the same way, aligned Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, and Physically, Sexually attracted to one another in every aspect of shared awareness is the epitome of Rta Physically Manifested between two beings joining in unison as one, like rain drops inseparable from the ocean, to continue their harmonic resonance dance together as one making their own music for eternity...
Those who encounter the one they call their "Soul Mate" to live their lives as one life, in total equality, perfect tranquility, complimenting each other's strengths and weaknesses. In the First forms of Written Philosophy the Term "Sacrifice" means to give everything one has, most importantly one's thought and time! As a strong mind and aware consciousness can only choose to dedicate one's time and thought to something or someone else other than themselves... Even the process of good people learning and growing, one is not striving for power themselves, they should be striving for the power to help others... to give that power, that growth away freely, willingly and compassionately, dedicating the time to the accurate transfer of everything one is aware to give... This concept is the core essence of morality, where ones integrity comes from... what brings one true honour, and immortal glory as that which you give to other good people will continue to emanate. The process of reading this, and feeling good about the Ideal as a great concept is no comparison to the choice of action! Good people meet their soul mate because they are seen by their soul-mate ACTING! and vice versa, both have to see the good in each other to build the trust that grows into pure selfless sacrifice "ghRtahuti" for the other.. When two become one like this the harmony is music that comes together in a dance of blissful composition. This act of Moral Unity in its Pure form is the only way one is able to give away immortality "Amrita" and in the act of pure giving one's all, one actually attains everything they truly desire.."Generative Energy for Eternity"
The Vedas talk about the Sanskrit Words for
Rta, Unfolding Infinite Absolute Moral Foundation of Existence "The Place Holder"
ghRta, Ghee, Clarified "Clarity Field"
homa, Sacrifice, Oblation
ghRtahuti, Ghee Sacrifice Oblation
ekAGgau, Forming one single Body, Married Couple
bhartRtAGgata, Married
bhartRtA = Masterhood , Ggata = Prajanna "Generative Energy"
amRta, Amrita, Immortality
Note that the same words used in sanskrit for the Growth of Consciousness to Clarify the Knowledge of Rta, and Chose to Align with Rta like Water Drops becoming one in union, One must Perfect the Clarity Field to Perceive Agni-Emanations, to Know the Harmonics then take action by choice to align like varuna flowing to the moral harmonic, "To become Fully enlightened". In Return one is Gifted with Amrita, Immortal, Infinite Energy, which are the same words used to describe the Union between Deva and Devi, Husband and Wife coupling "Having a Complete Tranquil Harmonic Resonance Essence with another" is no Different in the Spiritual, Mental, Physical or Eternal Essences...
What does this mean?
It basically means One becomes a FOUNTAIN of AMRITA "Immortality" free energy for others...
The True State of Deva and Devi aligned with Rta... Pure Morality...
The Ancient Texts Reveal in Sanskrit the Key to this Mystery "Indra Consciousness Clarified"
"Of the Deva & Devi I am Indra..." Gita 10:22
Clarify your Consciousness,
ghRta Ghee in Sanskrit is the same word for Conscious Meditative Clarity and the Heating of Butter into its Translucent Field State...
All my life I have been trying to see and share the beauty of Rta, yet none other than the first language Sanskrit can express the Depth and Brilliance of the Unfoldment Essence and Aspects with such precision.
Recently a Very Special person came into my life whose harmonic resonance seems intangible from my own, This experience clarified a unique moment of reflection, I had never previously thought of a person as the calming and clarifying influence in my life... Yet, for me, this person has had such a noticeable effect on me "Many others are even noticing", as strong as any meditation or consciousness state. It is almost indescribable, a calming dream of blissful tranquility, Growth and Clarity pouring forth wave after wave like a fountain of energy resonating a deep harmonic on all aspects...
when translating this very special person's name into Sanskrit, I was pleasantly surprised...
"Behold, See, The Angelic Devi Princess Indra Consciousness Clarifying"
I will not put the person's name in this article to protect their privacy. Those who know the person, or who know sanskrit will be able to work it out... The unfoldment accounts for timing based on the harmonic resonance of interaction, this particular person seems to have a very special effect resonating and unfolding between us... an effect I could never explain and did not ever expect, I will treasure this special person for eternity...Everyone can recall fleeting moments of bliss, beauty, joy, happiness, enlightenment, growth, and clarity in one's past...where the energy was abundant...
To find someone to share completely every aspect of one's self until ultimately there is no self left, every moment joined in musical harmony to create a new family composition...
We all seek out a spiritual unity and harmony leading to a balance of action and unfoldment, awareness and interaction, learning and sharing, talking and listening, feeling and touching, to develop consciously, physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, morally and sexually...
Kama, True Pure Love can be seen and found in many aspects. Those we call Family & True Friends have built Trust, Honor, Integrity, and have shared aspects of themselves. Everyone has special people in there lives who they Love and whom Love them". The Relationship between a Parent and Child is as Pure as Kama can be with no Sexual Attraction... It is only the Union between two that will come together the natural way in complete harmony that is considered total physical union, forming one single body, an unbreakable bond, this process is seen when two individuals come together to start a family of their own, no other element in nature will form a new bond between the original two who come together uniting them forever like a child will... this natural unfoldment is the spark of life... The Immortal Kama, Pure True Love, everyone seeks to give to the world "A Living Consciousness Emanation" to find someone to share life with knowing your both there for each other in all aspects, then the children whenever they come will be more cherished than words can convey, for they are the immortal gift of the unfoldment and the ultimate form of generating energy... "a wholly unique individual consciousness".
Reflecting upon my life's values regarding relationships, From my oldest Best Friends to new more recent Developments and Connections, with all of life's journey, the ups and downs, stories and family life, shows we all have unique perspectives to reflect upon... I've found that my Perception of Kama in others is distinctly Different from what was perceived only a month ago... While my Apprehension of the Kama, Pure True Love has not changed, my perception of Kama in others is far more noticeable as I see the different biological polarities resonate on different aspects with a far greater focus and clarity... saddened, so few do I see reflect Kama onto others as is intended... My Love for all Good Beings has not changed, nor has my views on equality, and Moral Defense of the Innocent, yet my views on individual relationships has changed, how love is reflected by the ones around us... "Unspoken Integrity Reflected with Action, It's time to Speak"!
I am pleased to say this article would be twice as long if I was to add everyone in my life whom I love and I know loves me, and I will save you all from any kind of list, I will say, one person whom I have only recently become aware I love, I told... and to have that same love reciprocated was priceless, I would advise everyone if there are people in your life you truly love, even just a single individual, tell them... if they truly resonate with you, you will know and the change in your consciousness field is a priceless experience! From Family to your soul-mate, even as friends, best friends share a bond of trust that is no different to the way a parent looks after a child, the true love seen in all action is pure, even without any physical or sexual attraction you can fall in love with someone and just want to be there for each other... It may even turn into more with the right person, it all depends on how everything resonates, including timing and the world around you, so don't close yourself off from the world, open up, really have a deep think about who you would give your infinity to, to help nurture and care for without getting or wanting anything in return and tell those who you care for, you love them...show them with action just how much you love them!
Indra's Net has 2 Distinct Clarifications, Looking within, one can connect to everyone...
When one looks at another, and sees their own reflection in the same harmonic frequency their field expands to incorporate the other, like water drops merging into one where water and oil will not mix, when Harmonious Union is Mutually Pure the Two become One, from that point they are inseparable, like the rain drops joining the ocean no power exists to separate the original drop from the ocean, this is the concept of aligning to Rta, and finding ones soul-mate in the physical world...
This is why the body will release chemicals when one encounters people or situations, to facilitate one's action... Yet these same chemicals, signals, and responses stay dormant like Rta until triggered by the unfoldment of action. Insight and meditation can and will take one to different states of consciousness, even REM Sleep where the body will release DMT, or stimulating DMT while conscious having a Waking Dream "like dreaming, only your conscious to interact, choose and navigate". The devotion to purify one's mind, and dedicate ones self to equality is a challenge many spend lifetimes trying to accomplish, yet some lucky individuals stumble across their soul mate fall blissfully in love and live a dream... this is no coincidence... It is Alignment and Resonance of Awareness and Action...
The research paper I am working on to submit to the "Academia Journal of Microbiology Research" is going to focus on the Scientific, Technological and Historic Facts covering how Consciousness uses Biology as an advanced interface that is and always will be more sensitive than any amount of advanced technological engineering. Also how akashic consciousness is fully functional today and has been for a long time according to ancient texts. Developing consciousness, meditation techniques, Meridians, Human Field Harmonics, all people need to do is learn how to use the Gift Natural Unfoldment Rta always provided... the focus will be on the DNA Triggering, sharing storing and computational awareness, Super-fluids, Healthy Brain Function, Dopamine and Serotonin pathways from Tryptophan to DMT or Serotonin to Melatonin, or Tyrosine to Dopamine to Adrenalin, CB1 Signalling Moderation, CB2 DNA repair, immune system activation, natural biological chemistry healing any scar tissue or damage of the body, including broken spinal column, and cancer, and why consciousness meditation should be applied with CB1 CB2 Activation to assist in healing and natural regeneration...". This is after all, how the unfoldment works in all NATURAL micro-biological, meta-consciousness states, including the natural physical form of the human body and central nervous system to integrate consciousness with your vehicle, body in a Healthy Aware fully Active manner...
Vedic Astronomy uses terminology that accurately describes cellular field data transfer, and how the field is modulated, changed and charged as other bodies move around. What is today called astrology has a deeper trans-dimensional origination. The same terminology describes human heart fields and how atoms are made and interact with one another, the planetary caressing of bodies is the musical harmony that gives the earth its resonance, and just as the stars, suns and planets resonate the earth they also resonate to us all. Everyone and everything that is on the earth and each of us resonate with others out to the distant cosmos and stars. When the harmony is found in the chaos of life's music is heard, the stars really do align to empower you, effecting all of us, taking charge of one's life and choosing the composition you play to make music in life is a key aspect, Destiny is not chosen by the stars, rather it is a dance perceived with timing, tranquility and balance, you choose to play your part when you hear the music... how are you shining? "Everything is listening, receiving your emanations, like your radio are you tuned into a frequency they can pickup? Are they tuned into your signal? and vice versa when they try and communicate back are you tuned into there signal? Are you tuned into a frequency they can transmit? Can you reach a zero point of consciousness by lowering your vibration?" Are you aware, do you know how to modulate and focus your frequency and transmissions? Some singers, dancers, artists, chefs, philosophers, can share deep insight through their use of modulating the frequency of there transmission. Everyone has a singer, dancer, artist, chef and philosopher inside them and so much more, learning to modulate any form of communication that allows you to share with others a form of beauty, growth, insight, and inspiration is a wonderful talent anyone can learn to master to be successful in any area of life, developing consciousness will only enhance whatever you enjoy doing...
Consciousness cannot be under rated in the concept of energy. Thought itself is a remarkable thing capable of spontaneously developing "Generative Energy" new possibilities... like love, one never knows when or where one will encounter a new thought, like love. The energy to empower that state is freely generated when aligned in tune, resonating in harmony, like Love, thoughts are cherished, nurtured to grow and bloom into something truly unique. The process of triggering an alignment between one conscious mind to think as Indra is a remarkable thing... The beauty of two conscious minds coming together as one is an inspirational miracle that many forget is the one single thought defining the concept of love for many individuals. This Couple Dynamic in its Pure Physical form is only something I have just started to unravel, finally seeing glimpses of the true meanings between a couple's love in a physical and sexual way with some clarity that emanates the reflective nature of the spiritual way, the intellectual way, and emotional way. To find someone who can click so effortlessly in all the important moral spheres in life is a beautiful concept to apprehend. The changing state of my own consciousness can no longer be denied... having been told by many, "do not allow this to change who you are, find someone who accepts you for who you are" I can safely reply, this process is a journey of change and development, it will change everyone, the aim should be to keep the changes positively charged. My moral focus and fire will never change or cease to rage against any of the oppressive immoral elite I become aware of around the globe perpetuated by psychopaths and sociopaths. If I am lucky enough to find someone, to live life with identifying and having each others true core resonance reciprocated, who has the same fire to build a better future for everyone else, morally restoring dignity and equality to everyone bit by bit, who totally accepts me for who I am, where our reflections of each other brings our awareness to perceive a harmonious alignment between each other on every important aspect in life to be able to unite and come together as two water drops inseparably combined from their Pure Harmonic Encounter, then I really would be the luckiest man in the world... as is everyone who finds their true pure harmonic to compose life's music with dancing the journey of love...
The Concept of two unique individuals joining in inseparable and intangible Union, Like Rain Water Drops coming together in the Ocean, they are intangible and inseparable from their earlier separated form. When one looks around one sees that most biological entities are in a state of flux, with organic biological polarity of the consciousness field manifested is always a simultaneous multiple moving multi-pole, meaning that for two individuals to fall in love deeply in all aspects, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, moral, physical and sexual encounters have to be sensitive to these moments, to interact without fully acknowledging and accepting this reality is why many find it hard to find their soul-mate, rarely reaching the zero point unity bonding with others through the second-sound fields of akasha consciousness awareness, to resonate such a reflection back to one another is harmonic joy, blissful tranquil resonance...
The Concept of Pointing out Super-fluids in Biology is key to knowing what energy is...
It is the FIELD that is Produced, the Specific Frequency and Polarity can be translated like a TV, Radio, WiFi into accurate Data, Or it can be turned into Energy Via the Photoelectric, piezoelectric Effect's
Cameras, Microphones, all receive Pressure waves of light or sound, the receiver turns the light or sound in to an electric charge with corresponding variables...
TV's and Speakers do the opposite, they turn the Electric signal charge back in to a Field Wave
This Transfer is like Ice to Water to Air to Fire to Aether "Earth, Water, Air, Fire" is actually the same thing in all scales. Everything has Five states depending on the pressure, temperature, size of the field's bond, and the charge contained within the core field. The core field can be stacked from the super-fluid state by adding extra field dynamics, this modulation is what mundane science calls the atomic scale or periodic elements... yet those studying, Researching & Developing teleportation theory and practical laser applications, realize the energy used to modulate matter like alchemy, changing lead into gold, is hard enough let alone making the entire structure from the ground up, or from a super-fluid state, hydrogen state into energy stacking fields that become joined to other different fields to create microbiological structures and the building blocks of all life on earth, the human body central nervous system, brain and mind is no different in function to many other species on a biological compound level. The difference is our use of modulating communication between ourselves to use consciousness to integrate with the growth of knowledge to continually stack and enhance the bigger picture, resolution of integrated awareness is something the human species is dominant and master of on earth, humans can perceive and stack many subtle awareness's. We know of many animals and natural phenomena that can assist us in our development, yet we are just on earth and have a long way in our development to reach our full potential..."into the cosmos"
Now you have a Glimpse into what Energy, Currents are... And the Receivers of those Currents and Directors of the Currents, Transferees of those Currents into different Denominations, the Holder of Amassed Energy's "WHAT THE BANKS ARE!" Like River Banks Directing the Flow of the Current, Denominations of Currencies...and why the "Banked Funding Mentality" represent Hierarchical POWER Zagmuk and end up directing the Incorporated Enforcers, Police & Military, Political, Media, Educational, Religious Zealots told where and whom to CHARGE like the Undead Enthralled Minions they are Puppeted by Psychopaths and Sociopaths...
Now let's look at Electricity, First Clean V's Pollutive
Clean Technologies are Based on Natural Harmony have Zero By products that are toxic, carcinogenic, radioactive, poisonous etc,
Hydrogen when Super Cooled in a Vacuum turns into SUPER-FLUID!
Super-fluids receive all field spectrum's and turn that into a corresponding wave within its own field called second sound... That any and every other part of the whole field is aware of, this is kind of like holosound, stacking two frequencies, or a hologram being cut into pieces and still holding the whole image.... This is what DNA and DMT do... "They are the monitor that pulls through the signal translating it into a form your awareness can make sense of, just like a monitor or TV or eye retina or ear hairs or pineal gland hairs. The sensitivity of those organs to tune into a transmission does not actually hold the information like a radio or mobile phone. It is just a receiver and or transmitter, of which the pineal gland is the only functional gland to produce Heavy Hydrogen, and DMT every night when you REM sleep, both are super-fluid compatible in the correct field pressure which the pineal gland can regulate... the third eye perception, Indra Consciousness awareness" to be aware of multiple awarenesses at the same time, and to navigate the Akasha accordingly...
When Hydrogen is not in its Super-Fluid state
it is usually known as Liquid Hydrogen a Cryogenic,
when warmed becomes Hydrogen the Gas,
and when burned becomes Hydrogen Fire
when the field is overloaded, atomically supercharged, Hydrogen Bomb, Aether, Energy
When Combined with Oxygen, Die-hydrogen Monoxide H2O = Water
This is done through the use of Electrolysis-Hydrolysis or Condensation "Adding or Taking away +/-1.23 V at 25 °C at pH 0, up to +/-1.48 V."
As you can see it is this so called "humidity factor, or Water Vapour in the Air" Hydrogen and Oxygen actually take and accommodate so called entropic energy loss, as vacuum states, and super-fluids have ZERO loss and are super conductive to energy and fields.
when the field is overloaded, atomically supercharged, Hydrogen Bomb, Aether, Energy
When Combined with Oxygen, Die-hydrogen Monoxide H2O = Water
This is done through the use of Electrolysis-Hydrolysis or Condensation "Adding or Taking away +/-1.23 V at 25 °C at pH 0, up to +/-1.48 V."
As you can see it is this so called "humidity factor, or Water Vapour in the Air" Hydrogen and Oxygen actually take and accommodate so called entropic energy loss, as vacuum states, and super-fluids have ZERO loss and are super conductive to energy and fields.
Hydrogen is the Base Building Block of Physical Reality, the Receiver of nonphysical "Conscious Thought" and the Underlying Foundation of all Reality Rta.
When the Hydrogen Field is within other fields, Just as humans contain super-fluids what science calls molecules and atoms are actually pressure fields that contain bubbles of modulating field pressures. When the charge from pressure, temperature, or field bonds reaches a threshold point the pressure of the modulating fields adjusts, the transfer of energy is done through the Charge Modulation "this can mean releasing parts like in an atomic bomb "Atomic Cascading" or breaking the molecule down, like hydrolysis "turning water into hydrogen and oxygen" or fusing the molecule into a larger shared field. The Variables between different molecules in how they react differently is based on the amount of charge they can store or tolerate between transition phases, and their actual modulation "what frequency they are in tune or out of tune with aka protected from...
This all depends on the amount of second sound that can be stored and how much is released via physio electric transmission...
Burning Hydrogen makes WATER!
Carbon is a Building Block of all life on earth. The psychopathic elite want to charge for carbon because every person on earth exhales three tonnes of carbon per year! This means the psychopathic immoral elite can bring in their STATED PLAN of BIRTH CREDITS, to make slaves of anyone who cannot afford their carbon price. "It will be greatly inflated to out-price most people once accepted". This makes all illegitimate children SLAVES! like Cattle! owned by whoever can pay for their birth credit... This will mean the return of a nightmare the people squashed in 1381 when the people united, and rose up to HANG the elite from the Tower of London and proclaimed equal rights for all, No longer would the nobility have the "Right of the First Night", or take children's virginity in rituals... If these carbon price = birth credit = sex slave pedophilia laws get in to place the world faces very dark times of global sexual enforced brutality...
Oxygen is a Cleanser "Oxidiser"
Water, Hydrogen is the Safest Most Abundant form of energy, followed by the natural electromagnetic current known as background noise or naturally occurring radiation, Zero Point Clean Energy Generation...
RADIOACTIVE When Molecules are UNSTABLE they will release just as they can absorb and interact with pressure, temperature, field bonds and charge, signal, they can also have the modular settings to send those fields, this is why radioactive particles are known to emit a neutron beam "like a light-sabre that a single beam of neutrons would kill every living thing if all sitting aligned on top of it "Big pile but that's how powerful and dangerous radioactive fields are"
Carcinogenic means causes cancer, by deforming "DNA field Bonds" into an Unnatural state
Poison, In the context of biology, poisons are substances that cause disturbances to organisms,
Hydrogen Engines are now Cutting Edge Industry Standard, with Cars, Biked, Generators all just requiring water, which they then use hydrolysis to harness hydrogen and burn the hydrogen as required for immense clean energy
AWG Atmospheric Water Generators "I cant get in to this one to deep as I am under confidentiality (Have been since 2007), and usually i do not talk about this topic at all in public so for now you will have to look this one up yourselves." Basically super-fluids constantly absorb heat turning it in to second sound, this cooling effect can be used as a filter, by being specific with the temperature it can be made to continuously condensate, making free water and electricity from air... "I will not get into specifics on how the FREE ENERGY device works while under confidentiality, As of 2009 US Defense Force Deployed a Powered Version, Since that Time multiple companies sell electrical devices that work more like refrigerators or air conditioners than a super-fluid based model. So you can buy an AWG today but they plug into the wall and NEED POWER , rather than GIVING YOU FREE CLEAN POWER from the use of Super-fluids..."
Second sound heat transfer occurs by wave-like motion in super fluid, rather than by the more usual mechanism of diffusion effectively cancelling the laws of thermodynamics. Heat takes the place of pressure in normal sound waves. This leads to a very high thermal conductivity. It is known as "second sound" because the wave motion of heat is similar to the propagation of sound in air. As a super conductor of heat much like copper and gold is a conductor of electricity, the laws of entropy, energy loss and basic workings of thermodynamics change into a zero point quantum field state where the whole super-fluid knows the same second sound wave of heat like a hologram instantaneously...
Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very near absolute zero (0 K or −273.15 °C
Super Fluid Vacuum the fundamental physical vacuum (non-removable background) is viewed as super-fluid or as a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC).
Secondly is Natural Clean Electromagnetic, in three parts, first magnetic, second Tesla RFID free energy, third the Sun
Magnets, are like batteries, perpetual motion devices based on magnetic fields, eventually will deplete, they do create more energy than they use and the key is making them in or using them in super-fluids resulting in superconductivity, rather than the current style of neodymium magnets made in cryogenics.
When the art of making permanent magnetic field crystallization in super-fluid, the charge the Super-fluid-magnets hold will last a long time "many lifetimes, only based on the physical molecules natural breakdown. The first laser was teleported in Australia, It is only a matter of time with super-fluids and frequency modulation crossing past the magnetic spectrum of resonance, when all the field spectrum's are mastered to make matter, then organic microbiology, then living entities "complete healing" and the construction of permanent fields from super-fluid will be a way to store and use excess energy. Other sources of immediate clean energy abundantly available, magnets are reasonably more of a battery for remote or hostile environments as we use batteries today for high voltage equipment, and the development of creating other types of permanent fields from super-fluid field modulation is at least a generation or more away... "And will probably be the biggest breakthrough to go hand in hand with biological technology. To think of what the children, and their children will experience with this technology becoming mainstream is going to be a bigger change on human reality than most can conceive. Almost all technology would vanish replaced with living interacting biological fields in harmony with the overall ecology, respecting all species...
Tesla RFID, Free energy from the Earth's magnetic field. This kind of energy is great for small hand held low charge devices, currently used in GPS, RFID with 120 year lifespan "based on the tech failing not the power life that's infinite"
The Sun, many people think solar is the key, the problem is 50% of the time it's night... no sunlight, when most people need lights, heating, and use electricity at home. Options like Wave, Wind try and accommodate a so called green outlook yet fail to generate efficiently. The earth magnetic field is charged 24-7 and has no night, or change in weather patterns, wave and wind currents, That is why RFID Tesla technology is better as its fully functional of a night and gets it's charge from the same source "Earth sun planetary schumann resonance"
Negative pollution options, which have no reason for existing other than restricting FREE ENERGY from the people, which means the few stop having a Dog collars around the necks of many slaves...
Radioactive, Nuclear Industry 10,000+ Years of DEADLY CONTAMINATION
Oil, Gas, Coal, carcinogenic CANCER Industry
Methane, "Explosive Chain Reaction Harvesting"
BIOFUELS "While people are burning Food as Fuel, others are STARVING, This is responsible for more murderous deaths than any amount of "grand theft auto" type murders involving the use of fuel to kill people apart from in War... aka civilians are murdering more innocent people with bio fuels than every road, plane, boat casualty in existence other than those caused by mechanized warfare...
GMO, Genetically Modified Foods are also disrupting the natural harmony and balance of interaction, disrupting the natural generation of energy, GM food is much more like a bio weapon than a medicinal application, the transference of Monsanto's Bacteria found living in roundup, to GM SOY resulted in the Gene GTS 40-3-2 changing the genetics of the human gut bacteria, modifying HUMAN RNA is an abomination of nature, this is effectively BIO GENETIC MODIFICATION WARFARE, no different to the HGC vaccination causing women to train their immune system DNA response to terminate their own pregnancy's never again able to have children... this type of "FREE ENERGY GENERATION BLOCKING AND INHIBITING" is carried out by many mindless ignorant fools brainwashed by a small group of psychopaths...
Not to mention some of the Toxic waste, deadly poisonous byproducts caused from these pollutive industries
Fluoride which cannot be dumped because it is SO TOXIC is being sold to ignorant people to drink, that would otherwise have to be STORED IN BIO HAZARD TOXIC WASTE SPECIALLY BUILT STORAGE FACILITIES TO STOP ANY LEAKING CONTAMINATION!. The toxification build up around the pineal gland can cause the neurons connecting the pineal gland to the brain to detach, becoming severed by fluorosis, this is effectively a consciousness lobotomy, as the pineal gland is the gland responsible for ZERO POINT energy generation from DMT in the human body... The Nazi prisoner of war camps, and Russian gulags used this to stop prisoners from escaping, fluorosis of the pineal gland makes people docile and sheep-like herd animals doing what the authority Shepherd tells them to do... and also has detrimental effects on every organ in the body, teeth, bones and brain, central nervous system especially...
The Pharmaceutical industry is based on Patents that are acquired by combining artificial synthetic compounds to gain OWNERSHIP while BANNING THROUGH LAW LOBBYING, the NATURAL substances that WORK, so the OWNERS WHO OWN YOU can PROFIT, TAKING YOUR ENERGY and effectively OWNING YOU through your IGNORANCE the psychopaths are having YOU ENFORCING YOUR SLAVERY, and CHEMICAL INHIBITION aka BLOCKING YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL. The Receptors of the human body are made to operate with natural compounds (NOT ARTIFICIAL) to optimize a Natural Healthy State of mind body and spirit...
The Synthetic Petrochemical Industry sells nylon rather than cotton or hemp, Paper from trees made with CHEMICALS rather than Natural Fibre that only requires water and has no pollution "Hemp paper existed long before the petrochemical industry" Thousands of other Industries have been corrupted with these carcinogenic substances purely so a small group of rich manipulating individuals can control you... and Poison you...
In an Ideal world
Everyone's mobile devices would be running on Tesla energy from the earth's field, not just the secret RFID implantable chips used to track and mind-control people...
We would still have an electricity grid, with everyone having AWG's making water and electricity and sharing it freely to anyone on the grid "as its free apart from maintaining the grid and constructing the initial devices & grid" which should be the only expense." aka Everything you buy would never need fuel, everything would have infinite batteries or the equivalent ability to generate energy when required with nothing more then water or second-sound piezoelectric Fields and never polluting ever again...
- Water powered Cars, Trucks, Boats
- TR-3B Field Engines rather than polluting Jets...
- Tesla Super-fluid free energy mobile devices "phone, tablet,GPS, cordless power tools, scooters"
- Magnets used as batteries to keep the energy grids optimized "To store excess power generated and boost low power generation times", and to keep emergency and hostile environment gear functional
Take away, disassemble and clean up the
petro chemical, radioactive and pharmaceutical industries !!
When Humanity makes the Change the whole world will boom in prosperity. There will be no starvation due the the availability of water, electricity and communication. The only essential this transition would not provide for humanity would be housing, and I am sure, with all the prosperity housing and development generated in general will boom, correspondingly education and health... and the need for defense will drop as everyone is safe and prospering... absent of inequality... good will flourish and evil will subside...
Humanity is on the Verge of a Significant Transition "GLOBAL AWAKENING 1381 REVOLUTION" and it has far more to do with how the enslaved workers are having their energy sucked which would become apparent when the extent of free energy becomes obviously apparent and the banks no longer contain the flow, so to will the deception on travel expenses which adversely affects the cost of living, the ripple effects this global awakening 1381 revolution will bring a transition of bliss to humanity few can even conceive...
Few stand in the way of the change in physical reality, old genetic bloodlines of power who have infiltrated and infected the minds and systems of the people, enslaving them with illusions and sucking energy like vampires purely to control and dominate your "FREE ENERGY GENERATION". It is time everyone saw what could be if just a few more started to act morally...
I will never stop my Rampaging Tyrannicide...
Exposing Iconoclasm...
Informing and Protecting the Innocent...
Especially the Vulnerable...
That is after all how morality flows as water...
That is after all how morality flows as water...
When I finally find my soul-mate to Really Fully totally Unite with me on every level to form our own ocean, The essence of "We & Us" Expressed in this world would only enhance the "We & Us", The Rampaging will only get more Successful as our essences would combine to compliment the fight against immoral psychopaths....
Morality will further its Victory to the Ideal world through every union of "Kama" True Pure Love...
Kama Manifested anytime is a wonderful, beautiful, utopia of bliss, joy, tranquility and harmony for all equally, Moral Speech, Moral Action, Moral Contemplation is the key and the reward to all good in the world... This is especially noticeable when two individuals unite in purity of harmonics as one, a couple in love is hard to miss for most people with any empathy... the glimmering insight of possibility...
Go out and find your Harmonic Resonance if you haven't already,
and if you have found your soul-mate, reignite your moral Fire,
Chivalry & Communication will do wonders for nurturing your relationship.
There will be more Depth in the "Academia Journal of Microbiology Research" Articles & in the upcoming Books, with full references on technology, patents, texts, Videos, and individual links, combined with the bigger picture map of interaction and integration, This is just an article to cover energy, clean electricity options...
Hope you enjoyed, Remember, any questions, Email me, i will answer "or research to find the answer", or possibly write an article if the answer requires...
Keep sharing the TRUTH as the TRUTH will set us ALL EQUALLY FREE!
I had to ask an Editor to help me on this one, "Thank You! Elle E M"
j.n.m ©
Do You remember 1381 where your RIGHTS came from?
"I AM SAFE" the LAW about your Last Phone call before Disappearing in to a Gestapo Government Secret Prison
"To remain relevant and competitive in the
NEW WORLD ORDER, innovative thinking is required." Australian.gov.au

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