The Immuno-Contraceptive (hCG) Vaccine is a Genetically Engineered Immune System Modification Virus (TRAINING the BODY to TERMINATE ANY CHILD FERTILIZED!) "Bill & Malinda Gates doing what they call "God's Work", United Nations "World Health Organization" Caught multiple times, Western Conspiracy Unfolds"
A zygote (from Greek ζυγωτός zygōtos "joined" or "yoked", from ζυγοῦν zygoun "to join" or "to yoke") is the initial cell formed when two gamete cells are joined by means of sexual reproduction. In multicellular organisms, it is the earliest developmental stage of the embryo.
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone secreted by Day 9 post-fertilization
In molecular biology, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the syncytiotrophoblast, a component of the fertilized egg, after conception. Following implantation, the syncytiotrophoblast gives rise to the placenta.
In the strictest sense immunocontraception is the use of an animal's immune system to prevent it from fertilizing offspring. More generally the field of immunocontraception includes related technologies that prevent embryonic implantation.
What this means is that a Vaccine (hCG), Engineered Immune System Virus, Created in a Laboratory, Injected Via Needles "Currently no reports of engineering airborne or passed on from Animal-Insect bites" are being USED ON HUMANS for the last 15 YEARS!
If Injected your Immune system will be MODIFIED, You Will Allow Sperm to Fertilize an Egg, However YOUR Immune System will NOT allow the EMBRYO to form a Placenta to Nourish the child! Effectively causing Permanent Terminations for LIFE....
The Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation, and UN WHO has been CAUGHT RED HANDED REPEATEDLY Tricking people in third world countries to be Injected, SCIENTIFIC FACTS!
Last Week in Pakistan Officials "even on the Mainstream western Media Nightly News" admitted The People KILLING VACCINATION WORKERS were doing it Quote :
UNITED STATES PATENT #5733553 Mar 31 1998
"Recombinant Birth Control Vaccine"
The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. Its formation, objectives and research activities
Over the past 18 years, the WHO Task Force on Vaccines for
Fertility Regulation has been supporting basic and clinical research on the
development of birth control vaccines directed against the gametes or the
preimplantation embryo. These studies have involved the use of advanced
procedures in peptide chemistry, hybridoma technology and molecular genetics
as well as the evaluation of a number of novel approaches in general
vaccinology. As a result of this inter national, collaborative effort, a
prototype anti-HCG vaccine is now undergoing clinical testing, raising the
prospect that a totally new family planning method may be available before
the end of the current decade.
In January
2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need
for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s
work. - See more at:
In January
2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need
for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s
work. - See more at:
In January
2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need
for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s
work. - See more at:
In January
2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need
for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s
work. - See more at:
In January
2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need
for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s
work. - See more at:
In January
2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need
for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s
work. - See more at:
In January 2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s work.
His words
came after several vaccine workers administering the polio vaccination
in Pakistan were shot dead in January. - See more at:
His words came after several vaccine workers administering the polio vaccination in Pakistan were shot dead in January.On February 8, 2013, The Guardian reported that at least nine health workers administering the polio vaccinations in Nigeria were shot dead by gunmen thought to belong to radical an Islamist sect. The Guardian wrote:
“The killings drew comparisons with a series of incidents in Pakistan last December where five female polio vaccinators were gunned down, apparently by Islamist militants. It also signalled a fresh wave of hostility towards immunisation drives in Nigeria, where some clerics have claimed the vaccines are part of a western plot to sterilise young girls and eliminate the Muslim population.”
KADUNA, Nigeria, March 11, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A UNICEF campaign to vaccinate Nigeria's youth against polio may have been a front for sterilizing the nation. Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, took samples of the vaccine to labs in India for analysis.
Using WHO-recommended technologies like Gas Chromatography (GC) and Radio-Immuno assay, Dr. Kaita, upon analysis, found evidence of serious contamination. "Some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are harmful, toxic; some have direct effects on the human reproductive system," he said in an interview with Kaduna's Weekly Trust. "I and some other professional colleagues who are Indians who were in the Lab could not believe the discovery," he said.
A Nigerian government doctor tried to persuade Dr. Kaita that the contaminants would have no bearing on human reproduction. "…I was surprised when one of the federal government doctors was telling me something contrary to what I have learned, studied, taught and is the common knowledge of all pharmaceutical scientists -- that estrogen cannot induce an anti-fertility response in humans," he said. "I found that argument very disturbing and ridiculous."
When asked by the Trust why Dr. Kaita felt the drug manufacturers would have contaminated the Oral Polio Vaccine, he gave three reasons: "These manufacturers or promoters of these harmful things have a secret agenda which only further research can reveal. Secondly they have always taken us in the third world for granted, thinking we don't have the capacity, knowledge and equipment to conduct tests that would reveal such contaminants. And very unfortunately they also have people to defend their atrocities within our midst, and worst still some of these are supposed to be our own professionals who we rely on to protect our interests."
Dr. Kaita is demanding that "those who imported this fake drug in the name of Polio Vaccines…be prosecuted like any other criminal."
Feb 26 2013 Niger: 20 Doctors and Aid workers Working for the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation have been Arrested, and Ministers Fired for Corruption
Niger arrested about 20 doctors suspected of embezzling funds from a charity set up by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to promote vaccination in poor countries, judicial and police sources said on Monday.
Niger’s government has made tackling corruption a priority since taking office in 2011, and last year President Mahamadou Issoufou fired two ministers suspected of illegally awarding state contracts.
An astonishing journal paper. 1 November, 1993. FASEB Journal, volume 7, pp.1381-1385. Authors—Stephan Dirnhofer et al. Dirnhofer is from the Institute for Biomedical Aging Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. A quote from the paper: "Our study provides insights into possible modes of action of the birth control vaccine promoted by the Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines of the WHO (World Health Organization)."A birth control vaccine? What? Yes. A vaccine whose purpose is to achieve non-pregnancy where it ordinarily could occur.Sterilization? This particular vaccine is apparently just one of several anti-fertility vaccines the Task Force is promoting. Yes. There is a Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines at WHO. This journal paper focuses on a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin B (hCG). There is a heading in the paper (p.1382) called "Ability of antibodies to neutralize the biological activity of hCG." The authors are trying to discover whether a state of no-fertility can be achieved by blocking the normal activity of hCG. They state, "We conclude from our results that both the efficacy and safety of the WHO vaccine are not yet ensured."
Another journal paper. The British Medical Bulletin, volume 49,1993. "Contraceptive Vaccines" is the title of the paper. The authors—RJ Aitken et al. From the MRC Reproductive Biology Unit, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
"Three major approaches to contraceptive vaccine development are being pursued at the present time. The most advanced approach, which has already reached the stage of phase 2 clinical trials [human trials testing efficacy], involves the induction of immunity against human chorionic gonadotro-phin (hCG). Vaccines are being engineered ... incorporating tetanus or diptheria toxoid linked to a variety of hCG-based peptides... Clinical trials have revealed that such preparations are capable of stimulating the production of anti-hCG antibodies. However, the long-term consequences of such immunity in terms of safety or efficacy are, as yet, unknown...The authors are talking about creating an immune response against a female hormone....The authors state, "The fundamental principle behind this approach to contraceptive vaccine development is to prevent the maternal recognition of pregnancy by inducing a state of immunity against hGC, the hormone mat signals the presence of the embryo to the maternal endocrine system."...... Rappoport, Jon (Ownership of All Life p66)
"At present, we are doing research on the Tetanus Vaccines that were given last March 1994 by our Dept. of Health to women of reproductive age. Many of the women complained of bleeding (miscarriages) and allergies. We got alarmed recently when we received communications from Magally Llaguno that the vaccine in Mexico contained hCG . . . If you have enough [research] papers, could your group do a press release via international press like Reuters so that all countries could be alerted?" Genocide in a vaccine: Pantheism's moral Chemistry by Suzanne Rini
"In 1995, a Catholic human rights organization called Human Life International accused the WHO of promoting a Canadian-made tetanus vaccine laced with a pregnancy hormone called human choriogonadotropic hormone (HCG). Suspicions were aroused when the tetanus vaccine was prescribed in the unusual dose of five multiple injections over a three month period, and recommended only to women of reproductive age. When an unusual number of women experienced vaginal bleeding and miscarriages after the shots, a hormone additive was uncovered as the cause.
Apparently the WHO has been developing and testing anti-fertility vaccines for over two decades. Women receiving the laced tetanus shot not only developed antibodies to tetanus, but they also developed dangerous antibodies to the pregnancy hormone as well. Without this HCG hormone the growth of the fetus is impaired. Consequently, the laced vaccine served as a covert contraceptive device. Commissioned to analyze the vaccine, the Philippines Medical Association found that 20 percent of the WHO tetanus vaccines were contaminated with the hormone. Not surprisingly, the WHO has denied all accusations as "completely false and without basis," and the major media have never reported on the controversy. For futher details on this issue, consult the Human Life International website (www.hli.org)."--- Dr Alan Cantwell MD
Even Cancer Propaganda is covering up the truth like Rick Simpson "run from the Cure" who is curing tens of thousands of terminally ill cancer victims told by mainstream there is nothing to do to help them, while simultaneously covering up the truth about Rick Simpson, the same people deceive you, trying to have people volinteer to take this (hCG)vaccine to help the fight against cancer at the sacrifice of any children for life...when the fight is already won...
"If only people would wake up and think"
According to Professor Iles, of Middlesex University, a new cancer vaccine being developed in conjunction with U.S. firm Celldex Therapeutics will rev up the immune system, directing it to destroy Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is made by around half of bladder and pancreatic-cancers. Perhaps an ulterior motive was the driving force behind such irresponsible research since scientists have known for decades that any attempts to depress or destroy hCG may lead to permanent infertility in women.
The Immoral Elite are Banking on the Fact Most people will not Know whats going on
Carbon Pricing = Birth Credits = Sex Slavery and FORCED STERILIZATION, by the same people PRINTING MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR so they will out price you once you accept the Words on paper Individuals standing above you with status Zagmuk Hierarchy Raise up a Dead Body with the Breath-Word called LAW, "just man made words, if they have no moral basis those enforcing immorality will face trials like the Nuremberg trials after WW2, or a GLOBAL 1381 Peasant Revolt "Where your Rights Concept Originally came from", The people will Unite in Equal Dignity to Fight this global treasonous conspiracy, all there billions and trillions will not save the Immoral when enough people find out the TRUTH!
j.n.m © Shundrallah@yahoo.com.au
Do You remember 1381 where your RIGHTS came from?
"I AM SAFE" the LAW about your Last Phone call before Disappearing in to a Gestapo Government Secret Prison
"To remain relevant and competitive in the
NEW WORLD ORDER, innovative thinking is required." Australian.gov.au
OMGINSIDER First Mainstream to Support Shundrallah, The Truth is out!

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