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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Independant Soverign Corporations in the Oceans Pave way for Humans to Explore Space FREE FROM NATIONAL Chains

The Beginning of Corporations building Private Independent Floating Cities in the Oceans, Just off the Mainland 12k's

TAX free, infact your free from all federal and state laws and tax, 
No Taking your Guns, 
No forcing Medication on to you, 
No Filling Prisons with Natural Plant Herb Smokers, 
No Federal Reserve's Making $ out of Thin Air and Forcing you to Exchange your energy and effort for it, 
No RFID chips, 
No CPS taking your Children!

But who can afford such a thing? For $1500 a Month to begin... this will be the future as the colapse sets in for those able to escape and move their wealth "Off-All-Shore"

As more and more people see this working more and more of those "OLD Decaying Ships" will be Salvaged and turned in to "Tax Free Rental Incomes for those able to afford such a large project like "Owning your own Ship Safe in international waters "with all the high seas pirates and storms..."

But for the Normal person, Struggling... is this an option?
What about the Growing Unimployed and Homeless?

These New offshore "Independent State" Corporations will have some drawbacks,
No Tax's = No Medical, Millitary, Education, Or Unimployment-Retirement Systems...
They will be Associated with others who can "Protect" and offer Medical, Education, and Millitary Services if required"

In time Development will bring Education Programs, Advance the medical Capabilities "i can even see dedicated floating hospitals completly private and independant and probably finding the worlds best work there in time being the cleanest safest place as land decays in to chaos...

The Millitaries who is the scary part, this will encourage "Private corporate Security forces that will rival National Millitaries" to defend their Corporate assets at sea...

This is the beginning of what will become the Foundation of Laws , Rules, Techniques, Systems and the Founding Groups that Arise now will pave the way for the coming SPACE RACE when Artificial gravity is accessible by the private-public sector...

Back to the Normal person, You the Reader... how dose this effect you?
As Pressure is put on the finincial sector, and the Banks Direct the Flow of Currency Energy to a Designed Colapse, Those who protect themselves will thrive, while those at the mercy of dominant forces will struggle and find it hard...

The Land offers one very important comodity "Sustenance" Water and Food will most likly have to come from the land for a long time, importing more to those living in the oceans then the ones living in the oceans can grow...

So if your on the land USE that, grow your own organic food...

As time goes on , that is your ability to sustain , feed your self and your family, and trade with the excess for other things you need
The problem is since ancient times, this is how wars have been fought... and the elites know in the end its about the supply of food, which can become supprisingly scarse so fast your head will spin, look at the great depression or the countless famins in the last 20 years...

For the Homeless, you have allready lost your LAND acess, you have nothing to lose by going to the oceans, and for thousands of years this is what history shows humans do, we go to the ocean when supplies are short or the rulers are corrupt in our homelands...

So now i ask you, how long will it take... Agenda 21 calls for the clearing of rural areas, Carbon Tax-Credits are a Scam not only to Charge you for Exhaling Carbon when you breath 3 tons a year, but also to stop the chain of food production "Natural cycle of Life" which is all carbon H2O and sunlight.

To Begin Living on the Oceans, is a Corporate - Business Activity, the Cost and the Logistics put this out of most peoples reach

However, As these Ocean Cities take off, Employment offers oppertunities...
Homeless will be happy to live in a Cabin with food provided , to clean these floating cities, supply and demand will offer an oppertunity for those not tied down with comitments...

How about the Famalies, the Elderly who cant Work? the Sick Ill and Vulnerable of our Society?
This new Direction has been forseen for a long time, but now it is happening, and it threatens to discard the foundation of what makes us CIVILIZED!

Civilization is by definition the ability of individuals to form a group, to come togeather,to protect and share, To provide shelter and food, a safe oppertunity to grow , live, experince life...
Yet the new direction may discard everything infavor of profit, and if you cant pay... and you end up having no nation... what system is left to protect you? when you or your family fall on hard times?

This may be the beginning of Global slavery if we allow Civilization to Erode, the protections we offer freely taken for granted in most areas "shelter, Food, Water, Safe Place to Grow" and the Freedom to move and travel freely may be taken away and replaced with corporate ownership, private permission to acess, individuals having the power to revoke acess and make you walk the plank having no country nation or place to go but the ocean without a boat,...

I see many oppertunity for those able to set them selves up, To be Independant, Smaller and medium boats of all sized will soon flock around these new floating cities, as people have their own independance rent free but the ability to acess the cities to conduct business and trade.

That is really where most people should be thinking about if they are considering this system, and aiming for "their own boat or land"
but if your not going to work the land, a Boat really is the soon to be best option
No Rates, No Federal And State Authority who can create new laws to take more rights away from you and charge you more money sucking you dry, if your not using the land the land is using you in todays system of Corporate Bordered Farm-Nations...

Your Own Boat, International Waters, Docking with a City Floating in international waters...
Tax Free, Freedom from almost all laws, all the bullshit of state and federal government
Being your own Captain and Boss, Sherif-Policeman

For most people with a Homeloan, working fulltime, it would not be hard for them to refinance themselves and mvoe to a boat in international waters

For those struggling to pay rent or homeless, jobless, no income, its hard to eat, survive, letalone thinking about oneday having their own boat...
For those people i would say find your self an independant "NOT CORPORATE" Captain and work for them to build up enough wealth to get your own ship oneday, a good captain will be happy to help you knowing oneday you will be a captain and be able to help eachother out...

Currently one can buy a boat, that one can live on, for anywhere from $100k-$250k Cheaper then most houses in cities, but the infrastructure is not there yet...
 As the Infrastructure for these cities in international waters builds , and the inflation sets in on the nations colapsing, the price of small boats with a cabin to sleep will go from 100k to over a mill, the price will stay compaired to silver value, and food...

People will also realize Solar Boats = Run the Boat for free without needing FUEL!
While the Sail Boats will always be popular and energy efficient they are also a lot more expensive
Expect to see a new range of marketed BOATS , pushed at the normal person, new modern designs, with cabins kitchens decks, bar's etc, full solar setups, satelite tv and full communications

Expect the major draw of these new cities to be offering FREE WIFI HUBS! for free communication! or a PASS that gives acess to the city floating in international waters and their communication services

When this happens the BOOM is on, and the next big EXODUS of humanity fleeing land to the oceans to escape tyrannical systems of military control and conquest... will Officially Begin

For now i say it has begin, this is the moment not when humans went to space, but when our mentalities changed and as a global human race we developed the required mentality to leave the comfort of our land National nest's and set forth exploring the 
Free Oceans of Earth, 
Celestial Non-Physical Oceans of Consciousness
Celestial Bodies of Space

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