Kama in Action
"True Love, Morality, Freedom and Equality"
Arjuna the hero of Hindu epic Mahabharata. He plays the listener in the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita which is a philosophical conversation
John Ball- "consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by Rta, in which ye may, if ye will, cast off the yoke of bondage , riddeth out thereof such evil weeds as choke and destroy the good corn, you may destroy first the great lords of the realm, and after, the judges and lawyers, and questmongers, and all other who have undertaken to be against the commons.
"Bill" William Cooper
Kama in Action
"True Love, Morality, Freedom and Equality"
Arjuna the hero of Hindu epic Mahabharata. He plays the listener in the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita which is a philosophical conversation
John Ball- "consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by Rta, in which ye may, if ye will, cast off the yoke of bondage , riddeth out thereof such evil weeds as choke and destroy the good corn, you may destroy first the great lords of the realm, and after, the judges and lawyers, and questmongers, and all other who have undertaken to be against the commons.
procure peace
by dispatching out of the way
the great men, there shall be an equality in liberty, and no difference
in degrees of nobility; but lika dignity and equal authority in all
things brought in among you."
JFK : John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy
Eisenhower Farewell Address
George Carlin
Speech By Iraq War Veteran Adam Kokesh
"Bill" William Cooper
CCHR Co-Founder Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry
Mark Taylor
Rick Simpson "Curing Cancer"
Meditation - Alan Watts - Unified Consciousness Field
Terence Mckenna - Culture is your operating system
Joe Rogan
Mario Savio: Sproul Hall Steps, December 2, 1964
Bill Hicks
Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America
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