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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Six disease, Roseola Caused from HHV-6 Herpies Virus 6 being put in Vaccines To Induce Immunogen Response

Patent to Use Live Virus to Induce Immunogen Response
The present invention provides viral adjuvants for enhancing an immune response to an immunogen.

Also provided are compositions comprising the viral adjuvant and an immunogen, and pharmaceutical formulations comprising the viral adjuvant or compositions of the invention in a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Further provided are methods of producing an immune response against an immunogen in a subject comprising administering the immunogen and a viral adjuvant of the invention to the subject.

Infectious agent immunogens can include any immunogen suitable for protecting a subject against an infectious disease, including but not limited to microbial, bacterial, protozoal, parasitic and viral diseases. Such infectious agent immunogens can include, but are not limited to, immunogens from Hepadnaviridae including hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F, G, etc.; Flaviviridae including human hepatitis C virus (HCV), yellow fever virus and dengue viruses; Retroviridae including human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), and human T lymphotropic viruses (HTLV1 and HTLV2); Herpesviridae including herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and HSV-2), Epstein Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus, varicella-zoster virus (VZV), human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8), and herpes B virus; Papovaviridae including human papilloma viruses; Rhabdoviridae including rabies virus; Paramyxoviridae including respiratory syncytial virus; Reoviridae including rotaviruses; Bunyaviridae including hantaviruses; Filoviridae including Ebola virus; Adenoviridae; Parvoviridae including parvovirus B19; Arenaviridae including Lassa virus; Orthomyxoviridae including influenza viruses; Poxyiridae including Orf virus, molluscum contageosum virus, smallpox virus and Monkey pox virus; Togaviridae including Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus; Coronaviridae including corona viruses such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus; and Picornaviridae including polioviruses; rhinoviruses; orbiviruses; picodnaviruses; encephalomyocarditis virus (EMV); Parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, Coxsackieviruses, Echoviruses, Rubeola virus, Rubella virus, human papillomaviruses, Canine distemper virus, Canine contagious hepatitis virus, Feline calicivirus, Feline rhinotracheitis virus, TGE virus (swine), Foot and mouth disease virus, simian virus 5, human parainfluenza virus type 2, human metapneuomovirus, enteroviruses, and any other pathogenic virus now known or later identified

live herpesvirus vaccine Patent Link
The present invention is concerned with a genetically modified live herpesvirus vaccine

Herpesvirus replication defective mutants Patent Link
A herpesvirus vaccine comprising a mutated herpesvirus suspended in a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
Prof. Niza Frenkel
Ph.D.: The University of Chicago, IL, USA, 1972
Job Title: Holds the S. Daniel Abraham Chair in Molecular Virology and Gene Therapy and is the Head of the S. Daniel Abraham Institute of Molecular Virology, Tel Aviv University.

Molecular biology of herpesviruses that infect man; the use of viral vectors in gene therapy and vaccination. Study the herpes simplex viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 which cause facial and genital infections, and the human Herpesviruses 6 and 7 (HHV-6 and HHV-7) which cause mild to life threatening diseases in children and in bone marrow and kidney transplantations .

Current research projects:
Studies in the laboratory concentrate on (i) Molecular mechanisms of herpesvirus replication and gene expression (ii) Disease associations of the lymphotropic Human herpesviruseses 6A, 6B and 7 (HHV-6A, HHV-6B and HHV-7). (iii) Derivation of herpesvirus vectors towards their use in gene therapy and vaccination.
Variations in the replication and antigenic properties of human herpesvirus 6 strains.
An antigen is a substance/molecule that, when introduced into the body, triggers the production of an antibody by the immune system, which will then kill or neutralize the antigen that is recognized as a foreign and potentially harmful invader.

In similar manner, an immunogen is a specific type of antigen. An immunogen is defined as a substance that is able to provoke an adaptive immune response if injected on its own. Stated another way, an immunogen is able to induce an immune response, whereas an antigen is able to combine with the products of an immune response once they are made. The overlapping concepts of immunogenicity and antigenicity are, therefore, subtly different. According to a current text book:

Immunogenicity is the ability to induce a humoral and/or cell-mediated immune response

Antigenicity is the ability to combine specifically with the final products of the [immune response] (i.e. secreted antibodies and/or surface receptors on T-cells). Although all molecules that have the property of immunogenicity also have the property of antigenicity, the reverse is not true."
In 1996, Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, a microbiologist, founder and chief science officer of Calypte Biomedical in Berkeley, Cali-fornia spoke at a national AIDS conference where he revealed that up to 26 monkey viruses may have been in the original Salk vaccines. These included the simian equivalents of human echo virus, coxsackie, herpes (HHV-6, HHV-7, and HHV-8), adenoviruses, Epstein-Barr, and cytomegalovirus [168-170].

Roseola from PNEUMO (PREVNAR13) 2010
Vaccine Manufacturer:PFIZER\WYETH
Vaccine Code:PNC13
Vaccine Name:PNEUMO (PREVNAR13)
Year Reported:2010
Symptom Reported:Roseola

PNEUMO (PREVNAR13) Side Effects Report #390540
PNEUMO (PREVNAR13) vaccine side effect was reported on 06/08/2010. Male patient, child 1.0 years of age, was vaccinated with PNEUMO (PREVNAR13). Patient symptoms: Roseola, Fever to 103.8 the evening and day following the vaccine. Twitching during sleep. Fever resolved on 06/11/10. (Vaccine given 6/7). Update. Patient developed a rash on 6/12/10. Suspect Roseola. None . During the same period patient was treated with None. Patient recovered.

PNEUMO (PREVNAR13) Side Effects Report #395083
PNEUMO (PREVNAR13) vaccine side effect was reported on 08/11/2010. Male patient, child 1.3 years of age, was vaccinated with PNEUMO (PREVNAR13). Patient symptoms: Roseola, "Fever: Spiking; Onset: Today; Duration: Acute; Severity: Severe. Pt developed breath holding spell and spiked fever after adminstration of vaccines. Pt passed out, became limp for several seconds with color change of paleness, not cyanotic. Then was unresponsive for several more seconds and then remained lethargic for next 20 minutes and was taken by ambulance to ER. Pt's was 101.3, TYLENOL given 5:57 pm. Pulse ox on rm air was 97%, but pt remained very pale and was given oxygen at 2 liters. 8/10/2010 Here for folow-up from ER. Patient seen in our office on 08/05/10. Had vaccines that day, held his breath for a prolonged period of time and then passed out. There is no history of prior breath hold spells of patient or family members. Mom and dad state fever had developed that day (08/05) and lasted for a few days. On 08/08, fever resolved and patient awoke from a nap with a rash on his face, belly, neck. Rash is fading. Parents states he is doing better. Normal activity level today. Eating normally." Dx 8/5/10 at ER 5th diseaseSkin lesion; Seizure/Syncope 8-5-10; Macrocephaly 9/09None . During the same period patient was treated with None. Patient recovered.

PNEUMO (PREVNAR13) Side Effects Report #397398
PNEUMO (PREVNAR13) vaccine side effect was reported on 09/04/2010. Female patient, child 1.1 years of age, was vaccinated with PNEUMO (PREVNAR13). Patient symptoms: Roseola, "12:00 Am Tuesday baby awoke from sleep screaming and was difficult to settle. Tuesday morning 6:30 am fever 102.4 and was fussy and lethargic. Wednesday morning had fever of 102.3, one liquid stool. She was again fussy and lethargic. Thurday fever of 102.3 and extremely irritable and crying, two liquid stools. Brought her to the doctor, who suspected Roseola. Friday fever broke. Saturday pronounced red spots on trunk and neck." NoneNoneDoctor examine Thursday 9/02/2010. . During the same period patient was treated with Prevnar 13. Patient recovered.
Roseola from DTAP + IPV + HIB (PENTACEL) 2010
Vaccine Manufacturer:SANOFI PASTEUR
Vaccine Code:DTAPIPV
Vaccine Name:DTAP + IPV + HIB (PENTACEL)
Year Reported:2010
Symptom Reported:Roseola

DTAP + IPV + HIB (PENTACEL) Side Effects Report #395083
DTAP + IPV + HIB (PENTACEL) vaccine side effect was reported on 08/11/2010. Male patient, child 1.3 years of age, was vaccinated with DTAP + IPV + HIB (PENTACEL). Patient symptoms: Roseola, "Fever: Spiking; Onset: Today; Duration: Acute; Severity: Severe. Pt developed breath holding spell and spiked fever after adminstration of vaccines. Pt passed out, became limp for several seconds with color change of paleness, not cyanotic. Then was unresponsive for several more seconds and then remained lethargic for next 20 minutes and was taken by ambulance to ER. Pt's was 101.3, TYLENOL given 5:57 pm. Pulse ox on rm air was 97%, but pt remained very pale and was given oxygen at 2 liters. 8/10/2010 Here for folow-up from ER. Patient seen in our office on 08/05/10. Had vaccines that day, held his breath for a prolonged period of time and then passed out. There is no history of prior breath hold spells of patient or family members. Mom and dad state fever had developed that day (08/05) and lasted for a few days. On 08/08, fever resolved and patient awoke from a nap with a rash on his face, belly, neck. Rash is fading. Parents states he is doing better. Normal activity level today. Eating normally." Dx 8/5/10 at ER 5th diseaseSkin lesion; Seizure/Syncope 8-5-10; Macrocephaly 9/09None . During the same period patient was treated with None. Patient recovered.

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