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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Brainwae Audio-Visual Entrainment "Inducing and Recordning Brain Waves - Thoughts, Sounds, Vissions, States of mind"
In 1982, Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A., independently developed a unique system of brainwave entrainment. It continues to be unique and special to his method of producing pleasant and effective audio programs. Because he is a researcher, physician, musician/composer, he has significant knowledge and appreciation of the human mind/body and emotional/spiritual matrixes and the functioning of each and in relationship to the others. This awareness of biological responses to various sounds and sonic vibration frequencies, and the effectiveness of the use of proper sounds, play a significant role in his ability to create brainwave entrainment which is safe and effective. He eliminates inherent problems with may occur with the use and/or overuse of regular "binaural beat" technology.

Dr. Thompson can alter your existing soundtracks by adding specific brainwave entrainment frequencies for any desired state of consciousness. He can also work with you to create musical soundtracks for your project as well as advise you on the structure and wording of guided visualizations, hypnotic inductions, allegorical-metaphorical story lines, etc.

The Center for Neuroacoustic Research maintains a state-of-the-art digital Recording Studio with processing equipment for any conceivable project, in any currently known format. We have found no project which could not be accomplished and completed to help recipients attain desired objectives and goals. We also have state-of-the-art 3-D recording and post-production capabilities, all “in-shop”.

Unfortunately we are unable to accept every request made of Dr. Thompson for individualized custom work, with numerous requests received each month. Yours may be the one accepted, however. If interested, please Email Us your request and proposal. We will respond in a timely manner to further discuss your program and options available for you and/or your company, including fees for a consultation, presentation, and/or project.

Brain mapping research studies into different brainwave patterns associated with different states of consciousness has been carried out in major centers throughout the country. The normal range of brainwave frequency activity in the cortex neurons has traditionally been from 0.5 Hz Delta to 30.0 Hz Beta. Most of the early brainwave research was concerned with sleep studies. From these studies, it became accepted brainwave nomenclature to associate Beta activity with externally directed linear thinking mental activity, Alpha activity with internally directed non-linear mental activity, Theta with dreaming sleep, emotional elements and experiences and Delta with the deepest and most physically restorative portion of sleep.

In non-sleeping states, these brainwave patterns are associated with various states of "waking" consciousness. High levels of Beta are associated with high levels of focus and concentration, Alpha is associated with inner mental "pondering," Theta with original, creative inspiration, problem solving, visualization and Delta with deep physical relaxation.

In meditation studies, Alpha brain states are associated with a typical "Zen" meditation, in which the attention is in a state of "open focus." In this state, one's attention is directed to everything simultaneously. Theta brain states are associated with out of body or astral forms of mediation. In these states, one usually experiences seeing the guru, experiencing places of beauty or peace, and sometimes receiving great spiritual insights with associated visions and sounds. These Theta states are also associated with the classic Shamanic "journeying" experiences. Delta mediation states are associated with being in the void or "white light" states. These states are timeless, formless and linked to states of suspended animation. Deep-level Yogic adepts can slow respiration and heart beat to be virtually undetectable.

Studies here at the Center for Neuroacoustic Research have shown clear and repeated evidence, in patients, of brainwave frequency patterns below the traditionally accepted lowest Delta rhythms of 0.5 Hz. This would be brainwave activity as slow as one quarter cycle per second, one frequency per 10 seconds, per one minute, or even longer. Indications of ultra-slow frequencies are evident on the EEG traces of certain patients experiencing extraordinary states of consciousness. These states seem to be associated with very high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-level inspiration states, spiritual insight and out-of-body experiences. Some of the higher Yogic states of suspended animation associated with deepest Delta brain states actually continue deeper into these below-Delta brainwave states, which we are calling the Epsilon State (Epsilon, since it is the next Greek letter of the alphabet after Delta).

In order to explore these deeper extraordinary states of consciousness associated with Epsilon brainwave patterns, we have had to use traditional EEG equipment in unique ways and to initiate the design of specialized EEG equipment to measure frequencies this slow. Most regular EEG equipment is not set up to measure frequencies below 0.5 Hz.

We have also noticed that whenever there are extraordinary meditation states present, brainwave electrical activity between the right/left hemispheres tends to synchronize. This synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres seems to only happen in special circumstances of consciousness - the "aha" state, the moment when the answer to a problem occurs, creative inspiration, great insight and moments of awareness of one's own existence.

There have also been reports in the EEG literature from other researchers, that there is evidence of extraordinary states of consciousness associated with higher-than-Beta brainwave activity. These brainwave patterns go from 40 Hz and above - in some cases, as high as 100 Hz or more. The 40 Hz higher-than-Beta activity is now an accepted brainwave state in EEG nomenclature being referred to as "Gamma" brainwaves. We are calling brainwave frequency patterns significantly higher than 40 Hz "Hyper-Gamma" brainwave states. More recently, there have been reports by EEG researchers of ecstatic states of consciousness associated with brainwave frequencies of 200 Hz, we are calling these frequencies "Lambda" brainwave states.

Early evidence of the 40 Hz EEG brain activity from the Neuroscience Unit at the University of Birmingham has shown these frequencies to be associated with higher levels of brain organization "binding" information from all the senses together for a higher-level awareness of unity of the objects of our perception. Gamma rhythms also seem to be associated exclusively with higher mental activity, including perception and consciousness. - since Gamma activity disappears with general anesthesia. There is also evidence that Gamma frequencies appearing in different areas of the cortex synchronize themselves together in a more holographic manner during these extraordinary states of consciousness associated with "Shamanic" and "Mystical" experience.

The states of consciousness that appear to be associated with HyperGamma brainwave activity (at 100 Hz) and Lambda brainwave activity (at 200 Hz) seem to be described in exactly the same terms as we have been describing our discovery of Epsilon (below 0.5 Hz) over the years. It has seemed extraordinary that different groups of EEG researchers, independent of one another, should find the same states of consciousness associated with such divergent brainwave activity - below 0.5 Hz Delta to above 100 Hz HyperGamma to 200 Hz Lambda.

There seems to be a circular link between these two extremes of brainwave activity and the states of consciousness which they represent. They appear to be associated with the type of extraordinary states of consciousness we find in the highest states of meditation, deepest levels of insight, personal original creative problem solving and high degrees of Self-awareness. We have surmised that these extremely slow Epsilon brainwave patterns might have extremely fast HyperGamma/Lambda brainwave patterns modulating within them - just as the Hyper-Gamma/Lambda brainwave patterns are "riding" on a super slow Epsilon modulation.

© 1999 – – Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A -- Center for Neuroacoustic Research
Brainwave entrainment
or "brainwave synchronization", is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state (for example, to induce sleep), usually attempted with the use of specialized software. It purportedly depends upon a "frequency following" response on the assumption that the human brain has a tendency to change its dominant EEG frequency towards the frequency of a dominant external stimulus. Such a stimulus is often aural, as in the case of binaural or monaural beats and isochronic tones, or else visual, as with a dreamachine, a combination of the two with a mind machine, or even electromagnetic radiation.


Enthusiasts of brainwave entrainment claim that it has been noted or used in one form or another for centuries (long before the invention of EEG equipment), from shamanistic societies' use of drum beats to Ptolemy noting in 200 AD the effects of flickering sunlight generated by a spinning wheel. In the 1930s and '40s, with then-new EEG equipment and strobe lights, William Grey Walter performed some of the first scientific research on the subject. Later, in the 1960s and '70s, interest in altered states led some artists to become interested in the subject, most notably Brion Gysin who, along with a Cambridge math student, invented the Dreamachine.From the 1970s to date there have been numerous studies and various machines built that combine light and sound. These efforts were aided by continued development of micro circuitry and other electronic breakthroughs which allowed for ever more sophisticated equipment.
Binaural beats or binaural tones are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, the perception of which arises in the brain for specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone, for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the Binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.
Binaural beats are of interest to neurophysiologists investigating the sense of hearing. Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves
Audio-visual entrainment (AVE), a subset of brainwave entrainment, uses flashes of lights and pulses of tones to guide the brain into various states of brainwave activity. AVE devices are often termed light and sound machines or mind machines.

All of our senses (except smell) access the brain's cerebral cortex via the thalamus, and because the thalamus is highly innervated with the cortex, sensory stimulation can easily influence cortical activity.

Auditory or visual stimulation (AVS) can take a variety of forms, generating different subjective and clinical effects. The simplest form of stimulation is to present a series of random light flashes and/or sound pulses to a subject, such as from watching TV or cars drive by, and investigate the resulting subjective experiences or electroencephalography (EEG) effects. AVE, however, involves organized, repetitive stimulation at a particular frequency for a specific period of time, and the frequency of stimulation is reflected within the EEG. This is called "open loop" stimulation, or free-running entrainment, and is not contingent on monitoring brainwaves in any way. "Close loop" AVE would involve visual and auditory stimulation in response to one's EEG.

Clinical reports of flicker stimulation appear as far back as the beginning of the 20th century. Pierre Janet, at the Salpetriere Hospital in France, reported that by having his patients gaze into the flickering light produced from a spinning, spoked wheel in front of a kerosene lantern, they showed a reduction in their anxiety and hysteria.[3] With the development of the EEG, Adrian and Matthews[4] published their results showing that the alpha rhythm could be "driven" above and below the natural frequency with photic stimulation. This discovery prompted several small physiological outcome studies on the "flicker-following response," the brain's electrical response to repetitive stimulation[5][6][7][8][9][10][11] As EEG equipment improved, so did a renewed interest in the brain's evoked response to photic and auditory entrainment and soon, a variety of studies were completed.[12][13][14][15][16][17][18]

In 1956, W. Gray Walter published the first results on thousands of test subjects comparing flicker stimulation with the subjective emotional feelings it produced. Test subjects reported all types of visual illusions and in particular, the "whirling spiral" which was significant with alpha production.[19] In the late 1950s, as a result of Kroger's observations as to why US military radar operators often drifted into trance, Kroger teamed up with Sidney Schneider of the Schneider Instrument Company. They produced the world's first electronic clinical photic stimulator - the Schneider Brain Wave Synchronizer.[20] It had powerful hypnotic qualities and soon studies on hypnotic induction were published[21][22][23] A variety of companies developing AVE (light and sound) devices have been established since this time.

Both Huxley[29] and Walter[30] were among the first to articulate the subjective correlates of photic stimulation. They described subjective experiences of incessantly changing patterns, whose color was a function of the rate of flashing. Between ten and fifteen flashes per second, Walter reported orange and red; above fifteen, green and blue; above eighteen, white and grey. Huxley also described enriched and intensified experiences when subjects were under the effects of mescaline or lysergic acid. In his view, the rhythms of the lamp interacted with the rhythms of the brain's electrical activity to produce a complex interference pattern, which is translated by the brain's perceptual circuits into a conscious pattern of color and movement. Glicksohn also reported on altered states of consciousness from photic driving and its relationship of self-perceived creativity.[31]

Dissociation begins after approximately four to eight minutes from properly applied AVE. A restabilization effect occurs where muscles relax, electro-dermal activity decreases, peripheral blood flow stabilizes, breathing becomes diaphragmatic and relaxed, and heart rates becomes uniform and smooth.[40] Visual entrainment alone, in the alpha frequency range (7–10 Hz), has been shown to easily induce hypnosis,[41] and it has been shown that nearly 80% of subjects entered into either a light or deep hypnotic trance within six minutes during alpha AVE.[42] AVE provides an excellent medium for achieving an altered state of consciousness.[43]

A timeline of the history of EEG is given by Swartz.[34] Richard Caton (1842–1926), a physician practicing in Liverpool, presented his findings about electrical phenomena of the exposed cerebral hemispheres of rabbits and monkeys in the British Medical Journal in 1875. In 1890, Polish physiologist Adolf Beck published an investigation of spontaneous electrical activity of the brain of rabbits and dogs that included rhythmic oscillations altered by light.

In 1912, Russian physiologist, Vladimir Vladimirovich Pravdich-Neminsky published the first animal EEG and the evoked potential of the mammalian (dog).[35] In 1914, Napoleon Cybulski and Jelenska-Macieszyna photographed EEG-recordings of experimentally induced seizures.

German physiologist and psychiatrist Hans Berger (1873–1941) recorded the first human EEG in 1924.[36] Expanding on work previously conducted on animals by Richard Caton and others, Berger also invented the electroencephalogram (giving the device its name), an invention described "as one of the most surprising, remarkable, and momentous developments in the history of clinical neurology".[37] His discoveries were first confirmed by British scientists Edgar Douglas Adrian and B. H. C. Matthews in 1934 and developed by them.

In 1934, Fisher and Lowenback first demonstrated epileptiform spikes. In 1935 Gibbs, Davis and Lennox described interictal spike waves and the 3 cycles/s pattern of clinical absence seizures, which began the field of clinical electroencephalography. Subsequently, in 1936 Gibbs and Jasper reported the interictal spike as the focal signature of epilepsy. The same year, the first EEG laboratory opened at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Various uses

The EEG has been used for many purposes besides the conventional uses of clinical diagnosis and conventional cognitive neuroscience. Long-term EEG recordings in epilepsy patients are used for seizure prediction. Neurofeedback remains an important extension, and in its most advanced form is also attempted as the basis of brain computer interfaces. The EEG is also used quite extensively in the field of neuromarketing. There are many commercial products substantially based on the EEG.

Honda is attempting to develop a system to move its Asimo robot using EEG, a technology it eventually hopes to incorporate into its automobiles.[38]

EEGs have been used as evidence in trials in the Indian state of Maharastra.[39]

EEG and Telepathy

DARPA budgeted $4 million in 2009 to investigate technology to enable soldiers on the battlefield to communicate via computer-mediated telepathy. The aim is to analyse neural signals that exist in the brain before words are spoken. [40]

(Fourth Edition)
Carl H. Durney, Ph.D.
Habib Massoudi, Ph.D.
Magdy F. lskander, Ph.D.
Electrical Engineering Department
The University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
October 1986
Final Report for Period 1 July 1984 - 31 December 1985
Legal Notices
Prepared for:
Armstrong Laboratory (AFMC)
Occupational and Environment Directorate
Radiofrequency Radiation Division
2503 D Drive
Brooks Air Force Base, TX 78235-5102

Manipulation of his Technology has Existed In TEXT Since Ptolemy AD 168
Since the Development of Electronics, Radio, Tv, EEG This Technology has been Mastered
The Brain Entrainment, Induced States Have been a Major part of Media Control Inducing Trance and Hypnotic States To Insure the Sheople Remain Passivized.
What people need to no is this Technology is used All around you EVERY DAY
In Advertising its Rampart, In the Entertainment Industry its an "Art & Science"
In Government Control Its an Essential part of the "MAINSTREAM NEWS"
And in the Military its Signals Handbook is A Total Aspect of Warfare, Like Air Water and Land, and even the Internet is admitted to be a WAR FRONT, well SIGNALS ANALYSIS, you no as RADAR-SONAR, and Millitary Intelligence Agencies, Government Police all utilize "Tech Specialists in Signals" To Administer these Technologies, Classified Signals that Induce Sleep, Can make You stand up and walk out the front to get on the government bus taking you to a Resettlement Camp, Induce Sleep-Coma, Seizures, Heart Attack, Audio-Visual Stimulation "Implanting Sounds Visions and Thoughts" there is Even a Reported "Death" Frequency, Along with Confusion, Fear, Hypnosis and other Set Frequency Stimulation to Cause an Implanted "Stimulated" Effect in the Target... YOU!

Its About time EVERYONE was AWARE of this Technology, It is no longer denied, Its used millions of times daily, And its part of the RFID IMPLANTS that INTEGRATE with the NERVOUS SYSTEM and STIMULATE , RECORD-TRANSMIT YOUR BRAINWAVES "THOUGHTS"

My First Blog Article Explains that Lowering Ones Frequency is they way to Grow Develop and Access the Grandest States Of Consciousness Awareness

The New Age Disinformation , along with Tv Entrainment 60hrz is all about RAISING ones Vibration AWAY from Insight Towards FEAR, and Hypnotic-Passive States
I Advise all those in the Truth movement, and Independent Artists of all Industries to Know This technology THEMSELVES like they KNOW how to apply Mathematics, And apply these Technologies Knowingly Morally to Benefit everyone and break the Trance Hypnotic Confusion Fearful Sheople States the Majority of Individuals are En-Spelled by...

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