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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Halt flu vaccines to children: chief medical officer

Australia's chief medical officer has told doctors to stop giving the seasonal flu vaccine to children.

The advice follows concerns the vaccine is adversely affecting children's health.

"We suggest doctors and health professionals vaccinating children don't use the seasonal flu vaccine for the moment, until we can get the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to investigate this in more detail," Professor Jim Bishop told ABC TV.

He said the concerns stemmed from a significant rise in the number of children developing a fever after receiving the vaccine.

Western Australian Health Minister Kim Hames yesterday suspended the state’s free flu vaccination program for children under five, after some recipients went into a febrile convulsion - a fit caused by a high temperature.

‘‘We need more information about what’s happened in WA, but also what we can now find out from all the other states from their experience,’’ Professor Bishop said.

‘‘If this has been brought up as a possible side-effect of this drug, then we ought to at least suspend its use until we know more.’’

In light of the seasonal flu shot suspension, Professor Bishop suggested children get vaccinated against swine flu instead, because that could be a health risk this winter too.

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